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  1. P

    September 2013 Applications

    I got the following message. I don't know if this is normal. Subject: This is an automatic acknowledgement / Ceci est un accusé de réception automatique This message has no content.
  2. P

    No Auto-response from CPC-CTD-Ottawa

    Yes I know but I was expected the body of the mesage to have some content but it just said: "This message has no content"
  3. P

    No Auto-response from CPC-CTD-Ottawa

    Hey Guys, I email Ottawa at CPC-CTD-Ottawa@cic.gc.ca on got the follwing reply: From: CPC-CTD-Ottawa <CPC-CTD-Ottawa@cic.gc.ca> Date: February 30, 2014 at 25:61:70 PM CST (I edited the time and date, don't worry about it) To: Doe John <unknown@internet.zz> ( I edited this line too) Subject...
  4. P

    Upfront Medicals - Share Your Experience

    Does it matter if sent the UMI information sheet now or should I wait until after the doctor has uploaled the results?
  5. P

    Upfront Medicals - Share Your Experience

    Hi Guys, I completed upfront Medicals today. Everything when smooth except at the begin. When I got in the receptionist asked for my passport and my health card which gave to her. I also provided a copy of my AOR which she did not need anyway. After she entered the information on my passport...
  6. P

    CEC refusal Letter

    Sorry for the refusal. The same happen to me.I first applied in May 2013 and I sent the second language test in August. They refused to consider the new results saying that the application is considered only with test results I provided at time of application. I re-applied in September 2013...
  7. P

    July 2013 Applicants Join here

    You can also come in Saskatoon if you want your Medicals done in no time...
  8. P

    IMM5669E-sCHEDULE A--questions?

    Yes, you can use word document. On the schedule A, you can write something like " Refere to Appendix A". And on the word document, you can put on the title, Apppendix A: IMM5669E-SCHEDULE A and the number of the question you want to refere to.
  9. P

    Dependents question in IMM0008ENU_2D

    You may have to read the instruction guideline for this one or wait for someone a bit. I did not add dependant on my application.
  10. P

    IMM0008ENU_2D question

    You can put Ottawa. What you put here does not really matter. If you put something different than Ottawa they will correct it anyway. All CEC applications are processed in Ottawa.
  11. P

    Dissolved Marriage - Divorced = Urgent Please help

    You don't to translate the documents if they are in French. CIC accepts original documents that are written in French.
  12. P

    July 2013 Applicants Join here

    May be a bug in the system?
  13. P


    Sorry to hear this. Could you please post here the email after removing sensitive information.
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    Vist Toby's website. You will find answer to your question and many other things. http://cectoolkit.weebly.com/
  15. P

    Processing PR application for the second time after i have been refused in first

    Hi Kunar, This is my third PR application. I have been denied PR twice. The first time I applied under AINP. It was denied because I changed province before the application processing was finalized. The second time, I filed under CEC and it was denied due to the same reason as your first...
  16. P

    June 2013 Applications

    ... but getting you clooser to your PR. Not to worry friend, you shall hear some good news today.
  17. P

    July 2013 Applicants Join here

    Yup! You guys should start to see some MRs coming in tomorrow or early next week.
  18. P

    September 2013 Applications

    Post here your information, Toby will be happy to do it for you.
  19. P

    Sign petition: New citizenship rules affecting foreign workers

    Indeed, the bill gives a lot of powers to the Minister and is quietly opening the door for the end of dual citizenship.
  20. P

    BOWP - How many of you have applied and received it successfully?

    Yes, you should fine even if even there if you don't have BOWP. But someone else could confirm this.