Hi All,
First of all thanks to God and all member here ..specially the GREAT ASHIF, Century,kollins,Oscar,Islam1060,cjg1987,isti84,future_canadian.
just now got PER. Cheesy Cheesy
3rd July applicant.CC charged on 17th October.
NOC 2173.
Hi All,
First of all thanks to God and all member here ..specially the GREAT ASHIF,Century,Islam1060,cjg1987,isti84.
just now got PER. :D :D
3rd July applicant.CC charged on 17th October.
NOC 2173.
Hi All,
First of all thanks to God and all member here ..specially the GREAT ASHIF, Century,kollins,Oscar,Islam1060,cjg1987,isti84,future_canadian.
just now got PER. :D :D
3rd July applicant.CC charged on 17th October.
NOC 2173.
Fyi, i send mail to CIC last month about status of my application, got the below response today . 3 rd july applicant CC charged on 17 October.
Good Day,
RE: APPLICATION # E00019xxxxx...
Hi ,
I am from IUT as well and i did my ECA from WES .The whole process completed very fast and got the ECA result within 3 weeks.
Maybe that was issue with IUT authority at that moment .
but i suggest go for WES.
For more details inbox me :)
Hi Ashif,
What about this
Canadian Equivalency :Bachelor's Degree (Three year)
Institution status : Recognized
Admission Requirements: Higher secondary Certificate.
Is three years duration would be any issue?
Thanks, i was worried cause i got the Bank certificate over email( scan copy) from Bank with banak manager's sign and seal .I printed and attached with my application.
I have FDs in my home country.
In document check list it is clearly written "Copies" for settlement funds.
Dont know why you are saying original paper required for below papers
2) Bank Statement or
3) Bank Certification Letter
In "liabilities" section i did not write "0" or "NIL" ,i just kept it blank.I was not aware that i need to write it with pen.
As i dont have any liabilities i missed it.
Is it any major mistake? My courier is on the way now in NY ,USA.
for example it was like
Asset : 15000 CAD...
Hi All,
Doc check list section 13 Proof of Education.
Along with original ECA report i am sending B.Sc certificate and transcript.
Is this mandatory to send my HSC and SSC certificate marksheet also?
Please suggest.