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  1. R


    First of all choose the course which u want to do not which consultants tell you . Check job opportunities in the province before even applying for your course
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    Anybody for May 2013 intake in Lambton, Saskatchewan???

    Trades courses are like aircraft maintenance engineering , welder , carpenter , wind turbines technician etc . Out of these i would say do AME , 15 months course and then 2.5 years apprentenship in which u get paid. And after apprentenship u are paid even more. So basically u start earning after...
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    I m ryt now in Canada , came here for sep intake this year. Life is not at all easy here like in India. In my course i have 8 hours college 5 days a week and 3 tests in a week + homework, so a person like in my course can work only on weekends which can help you in your minimal expenses only
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    NAIT FALL 2013 Applicants

    Good choice bro , job opportunities in alberta is far more than any other province , all the best
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    anyone going to vancouver this winter??????

    how much is the fees for masters in ubc?
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    Got VISA but without photo.. Is it normal ??

    There is no photo of the person on visa. And u have to apply for work permit when u complete your course , you do not get a work permit before that
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    Anybody for May 2013 intake in Lambton, Saskatchewan???

    If you want to start earning at a good salary do any trade course . Trade Courses are highest paying salary jobs
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    anyone going to vancouver this winter??????

    @Mohsinis - R u in undergraduate or graduate course in ubc?
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    Chandigarh ROCKSSSS****Chandigarian's for SEPTEMBER 2013

    Northern Lights College Aircraft Maintenance Engineering what r u planning to do and in which college?
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    limited budget of CAD600 and getting a shared room in calgary

    best province in canada is Alberta and u can easily get a shared apartment for $600
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    Chandigarh ROCKSSSS****Chandigarian's for SEPTEMBER 2013

    Yes , and i am in canada now . If you have any questions you can ask me
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    Northern Lights College, Fort St. John, Britih Columbia

    I am in Northern Lights College for AME, Dawson Creek . Your course has lots of Indians mainly gujrati's and Fort St John is a nice place , not a big city but it has many indians there .
  13. R

    its important

    univ of alberta , univ f british columbia etc . Go in univ of alberta , it is a very good univ and the fees is also less compared to other univ due to low tax in alberta
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    is it possible

    i am doing Aircraft Maintenance Engineering and i am from India
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    College / university in British Columbia

    Bro i am doing Aircraft maintenance engineering , so it is not in univ . It is in colleges which has trades courses . I am in Northern lights College , Dawson Creek , North BC. wbu , u r in which univ / clg ?
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    it doesnt matter which college u r going into. I would suggest try any in alberta now as alberta is the richest state in canada and there are good job opportunities there
  17. R

    Any Americans around here? I have a question.

    doesnt looks like there are any americans here who can answer your question :o
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    is it possible

    i am in canada too. came here in aug .sep intake and answer to above ^^ yes u can take loan from a bank in your country. Go to a bank and they will explain u