Dear mang plz pre assess my one file received by cic 20 september 2011...noc nova scotia sydney.........thanks.......... ;)
where is my per? :'( :'( :'(.....i dont know what is snail mail........plz tell me........and which one make the process fast....aor or per.............for the first receive..........
Congratz mang.......very happy for u my dear seems i got the medical...lolz...........i must say your pre-assessment is of luck for further process........ ;D ;) ;) 8)
i dont agree with he applied in he might be 195 or more than that......when a application reached to the cic then cic includes that application in counting when they publish total number of federal skilled worker. am i right??in my sense i think so..........u shouldnt...
i m also noc 0631.....application reached there by 20 september 2011..but still no news.i think i m in
cap.........isnt it???plz answer........cant wait anymore.....getting afraid????i should be in cap......... :( :( :(
[b] [color=red] This is really a very nice forum seems like a family.but very
truly i dont think that in our personal life our family helps us the way it helps.everyone is
sharing.advising.....there is no selfishness.......every one wants to see other my...
Hello big O m really very happy for you..........congratz friend.......... :D :D :D :D :) :) :) :)........did you face any kind of enquiry regarding your job or any other issue?......and my noc is also pray for me..........congratzzzzzz again.....................
hello mang.if u dont mind then i wanted to knw that how come u did that pre assessment...............i wish i could do my one............thanks dear,,,,.....,,,,,
thanks parag......i am a aeptember applicant on 20 september....but still i dint get my aor..........dont knw what will long i have to wait?
i have a question that.......some one is writing he got aor and some one is writing he got this the same meaning........or different...........please help.............
if dd is cashed, then what does it mean?is it like they have accepted my file..and after some time they will send me aor???just dying to know..plz reply....thanks......
I wish we could get 2knw that on which noc cic is working?? is there any way to know about that......i m 2o,sptember,2011 applicant. Still waiting to hear good news from cic....any1 got the aor??
I have a question.the total number of cap should be 4175.but it is showing 3675.WHat does it actually mean?where is rest 500 applications?has cic confirmed that 500 applicants or not?please answer.....thanks........