dear ashtoshka,
thanks for ur advise..........but i wont call to cic........i will wait till december 21, 2011.......lets see what will happen......i think i am in the cap :).inshallah..............everybody plz pray for me............
in our forum there is no one except me from noc 0631 september applicant..........still there are hopes and trust on almighty Allah...........whatever he will do that will be best for me............
dear russel.......did u send ur application on 20 september...........or the application was received by cic on 20 september...........didnt u ask them on which date they hav stopped their processing for noc 0631,,,,,,,,,,,,,
dear Your Highness,
did you get any mail from cic regarding ur per or aor.....when u called them, did they say anything about their processing.i mean on which date they were working???m very mch worried abt myself.......plz reply asap.thanks........ :(
mang i dont know what to do.........m very mch dissapointed.......i think in our forum there is no one left without me and russel for noc 0631 till sep 20...........russel is not included in the is it like whatever cic updates in there website about the total number of application...
dear mang
when i my application reached to cic the total of noc 0631 was 180.....sep it possible that the cap is reached as russel said is it possible if i ws between 180-200.......plz let me know..........
PLZ anyone tell me what is the meaning of MI...MI3 ...........MI2..........WHAT DOES ALL THAT MEAN...r they connected with cap reached.........plz plz plz ans.asap.........thanks.
russel i just dont take the pain.........whar r u saying?? :'( :'( :'(................i cant blieve...............did u send your documents to nova scotia sydney??????plz reply as soon as possible...........i am eagerly waiting to do cic process???
dear russel i am not getting your point.....our application received by cic on same date.........and at that time the total number of noc 0631 was 180 regarding cic weakly we should be in 180-200....why are you talking about 500......... :-\.............please clear my...
dear russel did you get any news??? m very much afraid :(............whats the status of ur dd??i dont know if my dd is bank is not helping me....... :'( :'(
congratz dear fast track.............. :D :) :) two gud news from our forum...........really fellinf gud to hear those news.............congratz both of u again.......... ;) ;)
Dear farukkh,
i did not get any update from bank.........they are not co-operating with me............hope for the best , prepare for the worst................dont knw whats gonna happen............ :-\ :-\