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  1. Tullysgirl

    SEPTEMBER 2012 Applicants - Join here

    For those of you who want to add a "ticker" like KJG (I will start mine on Tuesday!), go to Daisypath and create! http://daisypath.com
  2. Tullysgirl

    SEPTEMBER 2012 Applicants - Join here

    Oh, I meant on my profile, so it shows up under my name. I think you're meaning our spreadsheet. I'll get right on that. When do I start my timeline? Now, or when it's rec'd?
  3. Tullysgirl

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    I just mailed off "THE BEAST"! I called the FBI again and the "Search Completed Date" (assuming this is what's on the paperwork) was 7/16/12. So, I have until 10/16 to get it in the hot little hands of Ottawa. I'm taking my chances. If I don't have it by then, then I know to get a second set...
  4. Tullysgirl

    SEPTEMBER 2012 Applicants - Join here

    THE BEAST IS MAILED!!!! Sent it Xpress Post. Guaranteed to get there Tuesday!! 2.315Kg (5 lbs) for 23.68/ with signature required +1.50/ tax 3.08/ Miling boz 4.59= $36.98 Do I add today's date to "Application Filed"?
  5. Tullysgirl

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    VERY. Thank you! Guess I'll go get more fingerprints done. So glad the RCMP is so easygoing about it here! :D
  6. Tullysgirl

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    So, how DOES that work, anyways? The Police/FBI report is only good for 3 months, but that's how long it takes the Sponsor paperwork to be done. When they get my (PR Applicant) paperwork, isn't it already expired? Does CIC offer allowances for that?
  7. Tullysgirl

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    LOL Understand the smart phone.... Well, considering I never got it to send in, maybe they will make an allowance? If not, I can get another one done. Hmmmm...wondering if I should just do another one in the meantime (while Sponsor paperwork is getting approved.....and that's a 3 month process...
  8. Tullysgirl

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    You mean from CIC considering it being expired?
  9. Tullysgirl

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    I just called CJIS Customer Service Group at (304) 625-5590 and found out it cleared and was mailed out around July 22nd! I never got it, and LUCKILY they keep them for 90 days, so I can get another sent to me. HALLELUIAH! I'm still going to send my package out, get the sponsorship on the roll...
  10. Tullysgirl

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    I sent in my FBI fingerprints/application and CC payment form mid June and have yet to get anything back. I'm going to send our packet off today without it. Think I should call the FBI and check on it, if that's even possible?
  11. Tullysgirl

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    That is exactly what I just about did. But, beings unforseen circumstances came up, I'm submitting it today and because of this forum, found out the form was changed again in July. GRRRR! What boneheads, how can they expect us to keep up?? I going to pray that yours doesn't get returned and CIC...
  12. Tullysgirl

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    ahh, I luv ya Parker! Redoing the UPDATED forms and a "?" went off in me wee lil'noggin. Started wondering if I should be freaking out.....so, THANKS!! ;D
  13. Tullysgirl

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    Is there a benefit/need for a "co-signer" in the Sponsorship application?
  14. Tullysgirl

    SEPTEMBER 2012 Applicants - Join here

    Same here. VO is Ottawa.
  15. Tullysgirl

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    Drats, grasping at straws. The Gov't of SK states: Special Classes of Newcomers: The Saskatchewan Ministry of Health covers health services for certain special classes of newcomers from outside Canada who move to Saskatchewan on or before the first day of the third calendar month after arriving...
  16. Tullysgirl

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    Oh, I see now. It's like page 3. I'm going to pray for no interview, but beings I'm from WA state, I'm certainly going to pick Seattle! ;D And Computergeek, you referenced someone to...
  17. Tullysgirl

    SEPTEMBER 2012 Applicants - Join here

    I remember going through the Immigration things over Skype. How infuriating it was. And I clearly remember the feelings of wanting to give up and helplessness. I'm glad that's behind you two now. ;D Before coming on the forums here, I was SURE I had to go Inland, but then found out that as a...
  18. Tullysgirl

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    BTW-do I (PR Applicant) need to send in the form that asks that if I'm called for an interview, what US office I'm choosing? Where does it go? I don't see it listed on the Document Checklists.
  19. Tullysgirl

    SEPTEMBER 2012 Applicants - Join here

    Lunas, my husband and I only dated a year prior to our wedding. I have so much to prove our relationship from the day OF our wedding forward. LOL Living in two seperate countries didn't afford us frequent visits or "dates", so there are few pics for our dating. Luckily, I did take some Skype...
  20. Tullysgirl

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    I SOOOO agree Simb. You'd think they'd make a loud banner on the main page that forms were changed or at least regulate how often they change them. It saves work for them as well.