I agree with you too, that why I said that without passport it will not workout to get to US or Canada if the person is currently away from here.
I think that the employees at the airport know the list of visa waived countries and the let the people in if the passport is real.
In my case I am...
Some people are still thinking that their opinion about me will actually affect me .
Click with angry face on the Poor link under my nickname... (Facebook style LOL) ;D
Someone reported again recently that at the interview after the test they need to farther look over the stamps in the passport.
I am not really sure that they are trained properly to deal efficiently with stamps from different countries.
It is interesting because they already have access to...
To be honest I really don't know the purpose of that waiting between the test and the Oath.
The whole process in general is artificially extended in time.
That happened few times in the Montreal's office, but recently I didn't heard anything like this.
Most probably there will be still a waiting gape of couple of months between the test and the Oath.
There have never been direct evidences that traveling for long time during the pending of the application will create any problems.
You are just another example that prove it.
I was thinking about the cover letter option, but I ended up thinking that it would create more delay for the actual processing.
If I miss my test date it would also create more delays.
Yes my eligibility date will move forward when I come back but anyways I am not in rush to apply ASAP.
Keep in mind that I have a certificate that prove that I am the most stupid creature in the Universe. At least I am first in that competition.
Now lets break it down...
How can you complete the cycle Exit/Entry without the possession of a passport?
The problem according to me is that they have very limited time to go through the actual stamps at the interview. They will see the actual stamps at the interview for the first time and if they get confused from different formats they might want to dig in farther, hence delay of the process.