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  1. COPRQuestion

    Questions about moving to Toronto, Canada

    Hi Erik, I can't help with all your questions but can help with some as I was in a similar situation (although married). - Do I need a visa (express entry) or can I choose Family sponsorship? I think your best bet is to apply for Family Sponsorship - if you've been living together you can...
  2. COPRQuestion

    Landing in a few months and want to save on moving costs

    Ah right, that's cool then. Again, I wouldn't worry about it too much, paranoia has a way of attracting customs officials but I have to admit the CBSA seems to be more keen to stop people than any other country I've been to (and that's a lot). I'm British and HK PR and never been stopped...
  3. COPRQuestion

    Landing in a few months and want to save on moving costs

    Just a quick question as I didn't see you updated your profile, have you actually received your COPR yet? In either case it shouldn't be a massive problem, as the other posters have suggested be upfront. I'm pretty sure there is no rule about friends carrying other peoples luggage, but you're...
  4. COPRQuestion

    Regarding Funds

    I had a few question on tax and I found the best course of action was to speak to a tax accountant who specializes in this. The other point is that declaring money for customs purposes and tax purposes are two different things. Anything over CAD 10,000 has to be declared at customs for money...
  5. COPRQuestion

    Documents Required for Marriage & Sponsorship with Foreigner

    Sounds like you've got all the information you need from different sources - good work everyone! Good luck with your application
  6. COPRQuestion

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Thanks Canuck, so the name aside. I can actually 'land' as a settler for immigration purposes but don;t have to land for customs purposes. I can do that when i eventually move later next year?
  7. COPRQuestion

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Thanks for that, very helpful. I've got the COPR in my hand but we'd booked this holiday ages ago and quite honestly I don't think my PR would be approved so quickly and as my medical expires in March and we're not planning on going back before then I really wanted to 'land' this time.
  8. COPRQuestion

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Sorry, just a quick follow up on this. When I check out 'flagpoling' it always makes reference to people already in Canada, going to the US and then returning. I'll be flying in from HK (British Passport). Is it still the same definition? Thanks
  9. COPRQuestion

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Awesome, thanks very much. Makes it a much easier trip then as I really don't know what I'll put on the BSF186 form at this point in time. Yup I have a return flight booked and can easily be proven.
  10. COPRQuestion

    What documents to show on landing

    Just an FYI form B4 doesn't exist anymore. The form you need is BSF186 and BSF186A
  11. COPRQuestion

    Why are you moving to Canada?

    I'm interested to hear different viewpoints on why people are moving to Canada What is your main reason? The thought struck me after reading through quite a few of these posts and realising that for some it's family, some it's work and for a lot it's because Canada seems to be the land or...
  12. COPRQuestion

    house price rising

    The original post seems rather strange and honestly if you don't understand the way property works then you really need to get some professional advice. This is a pure case of supply and demand and what people are willing to pay. Just because the houses on a street look the same and are the...
  13. COPRQuestion

    Moving while becoming common law?

    Sorry can't help you on that one, maybe someone else has an idea
  14. COPRQuestion

    Vancouver - Coquitlam

    Thanks steaky, will be there next week so want to scope out some locations and potential property
  15. COPRQuestion

    Help ??

    As scylla mentions it's very difficult for anyone here to answer that question, I guess it would very much depend on whether you have kept to the terms of your visitors visa. If you have overstayed a visitor visa then you may have some difficulty getting back in to Canada. When did you enter...
  16. COPRQuestion

    Moving while becoming common law?

    I support the answer you've already been given, it's just important to have as much evidence as possible with regards your status, bills, rental agreements, bank statements etc. Also, even photos of you together on holiday can support your case. All they want to see is that you are a genuine...
  17. COPRQuestion

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Can someone help me with this query. I'm 'landing' in Canada next week but won't be staying this time, it's just a vacation and an opportunity to 'land' before my COPR expires. I've read the Settlers' Effects Tariff item No 9807.00.00 and one part states that there is a difference between a...
  18. COPRQuestion

    Documents Required for Marriage & Sponsorship with Foreigner

    I'm afraid I can't answer too many of your questions as they are really specific for your situation. Do people from Poland require a visa for Canada or just an ETA? The question I can answer is. 4. what documents you need are all outlined here...
  19. COPRQuestion

    Vancouver - Coquitlam

    Thanks Steaky What's the commute like to downtown from there and also how much high-rise and low rise apartments are there, I'm not keen to move to a really built up area I'd prefer a house in a more suburban area. thanks
  20. COPRQuestion

    How detailed to forms BSF186 and BSF186A need to be?

    Hi All How detailed to forms BSF186 and BSF186A need to be? Is it really necessary to include photos of items such as jewelry?