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  1. J

    PR Card Issue after Secondary Review

    Dear All I applied for PR Card renewal. My application was referred to secondary review and I was asked to provide several documents. I did and the CIC has sent a letter saying that they have approved the renewal of the PR Card and will request the CPC (Case Processing Centre) to issue the...
  2. J

    Email from CIC that PR card renewal needs secondary review

    Dear All Yes I filed in application in May 2015 and in between when the Consultant's office checked the status CIC replied saying that it is sent for second stage review. After that the consultant said that they cannot do anything to expedite the process. In August 2016 when I received the...
  3. J

    Email from CIC that PR card renewal needs secondary review

    Dear All I applied for PR renewal in May 2015. Now in August 2016 I have received a letter saying that my application is referred to secondary review and they are asking for more documents. It is mentioned in the letter that the documents should be provided within 30 days or else they will take...
  4. J

    Coming to Canada from the US

    Dear All Thanks for your replies. I understand from the replies that Taxis are not regarded as Public transport and one can take taxis to reach the CIC border office. Somebody on the Forum has also written about the Megabus. Will they take somebody on board with a non-visa exempt passport...
  5. J

    Coming to Canada from the US

    Good Morning! Please can anybody explain how to travel from Buffalo Airport to the Canadian border and then onward to Toronto. The person has expired PR Card and nobody to give a car lift. Cannot take public transport and Has to rely on other means of transport. Are there shuttle buses which...
  6. J

    Travel History from Border Control Authority

    My wife has been in and out of Canada many times and now she has been asked to get the travel history from the Border Control authorities for applying for some benefit. Please can anybody advise how to get this. Thank you for your replies.
  7. J

    Expired PR Card - Effect on Employment

    Dear All If a person has an expired PR Card and has applied for renewal and is waiting, how does this affect him in finding a job in Canada. In theory a PR Card is required only for travel and not to live in Canada. Is it not sufficient to show the Landing Record and SIN Card and the expired...
  8. J

    crossing border without PR Card

    I understand from the discussions here that from next year (meaning 2016) they are going to bring about some changes to this practice of crossing the border with an expired PR Card. Does anybody on this forum knows what the change will be and when it is likely to be implemented. I am planning...
  9. J

    PR Card Expired - PRTD or Going to the Canadian Border

    My situation is like this. I complied with the RO by staying with my Canadian Citizen wife in UAE. Much before my PR Card expired during first week of November 2015 I had applied for renewal but the renewed card has not come. I did not submit Notice of Tax Assessment along with the...
  10. J

    PR Card Renewal - 2015 - Timeline

    Any idea applications received up to which date are they processing now.
  11. J

    PR Card Renewal - 2015 - Timeline

    Thank you so much taking the trouble to send this info. It is a ready reference without have to go to the CIC site
  12. J

    PR renewal and Tax

    CIC design their forms, questionnaires and ask for supporting documents after a lot of research in sociology, psychology, etc. So they have their own reasons for that and in response to public opinion they change their forms, etc. Tax assessment is not conclusive evidence of residency; it is...
  13. J

    After expiry of PR Card while I am outside Canada......to apply for supervisa.

    Thanks for all the info. This explains very well.
  14. J

    After expiry of PR Card while I am outside Canada......to apply for supervisa.

    Hi Leon Thanks. You seem to be very informative about this. Getting a work permit when a person is abroad is very difficult, but if a person is available in Canada on super visa then it is possible for him to go around and meet employers and may be work for a few days and influence them to...
  15. J

    After expiry of PR Card while I am outside Canada......to apply for supervisa.

    Thanks for lots of replies on this. Some more questions. 1. Can anybody sponsor a person on super visa and provide a work permit and employ them. 2. Can such a person start any independent business, such as a Consultant on his own.
  16. J

    After expiry of PR Card while I am outside Canada......to apply for supervisa.

    Hi I have some questions about Super Visa. 1. The super visa is valid for 10 years. What happens after 10 years. Is it extendable to a further 10 years? 2. Can a person on super visa take up employment in Canada? 3. No healthcare is available and the person has to have medical insurance...
  17. J

    Permanent resident returning back to Canada help!

    Hi I can understand your situation. I think you are not a Saudi citizen but an expatriate living there. If that is the case then you tell your brother or father that you would like to go to your native country for a holiday and before that arrange with your mother to bring the PR card there...
  18. J

    Email from CIC that PR card renewal needs secondary review

    I think that there is a procedure to Cancel the appointment of a Representative and after that start dealing with the CIC directly yourself. You can also report the unsatisfactory services of the lawyer to the respective society to which they belong. The lawyer would have given his Registration...
  19. J

    PR Card Renewal

    Earlier one was required to send the PR Card along with the renewal application. Now CIC is more generous and you do not have to send it. I hope they will think of providing a temporary card valid for 1 year when they require more time to process the card and renew it for 5 years. That will be...
  20. J

    Email from CIC that PR card renewal needs secondary review

    I think it is indicated on the CIC website that you can apply for PRC renewal 9 months in advance. It was 6 months earlier, but not it is 9 months in advance.