According to the cic website. The additional documents for proof of presence in Canada is:
A copy of one of the following:
Other Income Tax assessments issued by Canada Revenue Agency within the past five (5) years
I'm confused. How can a tax assessment show you've been physically present two years? It only shows how much you've earned in a year. So you could for example have earned 1000 in a whole year, does that really reflect that you've lived in canada for the whole 12 months?
Is it wise to just submit the tax assessment only even though they didn't specify any other document?
A copy of one of the following:
Other Income Tax assessments issued by Canada Revenue Agency within the past five (5) years
I'm confused. How can a tax assessment show you've been physically present two years? It only shows how much you've earned in a year. So you could for example have earned 1000 in a whole year, does that really reflect that you've lived in canada for the whole 12 months?
Is it wise to just submit the tax assessment only even though they didn't specify any other document?