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  1. needhimback

    Enough Proof of Relationship?

    Thanks so much for your comments - I feel better i also submitted 60 pulse wedding pictures too
  2. needhimback

    Enough Proof of Relationship?

    In my situation all my pictures from the past was destory from my previous phone (we have been together since 2011) but we only submitted pics from 2013 - to current. I sent a letter explaining why we didnt have pictures from the past and hoping this will be ok - all together we sent in over...
  3. needhimback

    wrong date on appendix A

    somebody please show me what appendix A is ????.....because I sent in my application yesterday, is it the checklist for sponored person (if so, then I did send it in) but I dont think it was requested ??????
  4. needhimback

    Help IMM 1344 last page, Signatures ???

    I sent all my husband's forms through to his email. He filled them out and courier everything back to me and then I signed my part. I also had him validated both forms too because his signature was required, then he printed the validated forms and added them to the DHL package sent to me in...
  5. needhimback

    Help IMM 1344 last page, Signatures ???

    Im thinking the second signature is for a co-signer (if applicable) ????? and in my case I do not have a co-signer, I am the sponsor. thank you all..............awaiting answers :-\ :-\
  6. needhimback

    Help IMM 1344 last page, Signatures ???

    Hello all: Can someone kindly assistance me with the signature page (last page) of the IMM 1334. it has three lines of signatures which are as follows: 1) Sponsor's Signuature 2) Signature of sponsor's spouse or common-law partner (if co-signer) 3) Signature of sponsored person (principal...
  7. needhimback

    Spousal Sponsorship - IMM5490 and Item 25 of Checklist

    Your welcome And no I didn't actually indicate It on the checklist. What I did was made a table of contents and mentioned where all supporting documents are located I think also that would be a great idea to mention that on the checklist too- "reference to all supporting documents see...
  8. needhimback

    Spousal Sponsorship - IMM5490 and Item 25 of Checklist

    You can also say what you mentioned "refer to imm5490" what ever works
  9. needhimback

    Spousal Sponsorship - IMM5490 and Item 25 of Checklist

    Hi there, I'm about finish and ready to send in my application and what I did regarding your situation was I created a supporting document package (pertaining all supporting documents between my spouse and I) as well as a essay from both of us and in the essay we reference sections. For...
  10. needhimback

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Oops sorry Canadianlove I quoted to Emmalee instead, but I see you realized I was replying back to you And yes, just when you think your about done filling out forms, your really not lol !!! Hang in there
  11. needhimback

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Hello EmmaLee I sure did cover a lot and more - I thought I was writing and preparing for a university assignment!!.... And like you we are both in our 40's too. As you mentioned about the complication of his deportation (you are right) and there is a possibility of him getting an interview in...
  12. needhimback

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Hello everyone ;) and congrads to all those who became landed!!!! :) :) :) :) I use to be on POS often,(and not too familar with those here now) I disappeared for almost a year or so, but finally I am back and about to send in my package, I spent so much time putting everything together, using...
  13. needhimback

    How would you know if you owe for ex husband going on welfare no bills recieved

    omg- are you serious - so he collect and it didn't affect you at all- wow that's excellent, I feel the joy for you and hope this could happen to me too He was on welfare and maybe no documents were send to cic- sometimes these thing fall through the cracks i hear I can only pray and need to...
  14. needhimback

    How would you know if you owe for ex husband going on welfare no bills recieved

    thanks so much - I hope that all good will turn out for me.... I just can't understand if I too was a client of welfare why wouldn't I be told that I owe.?...Maybe because I don't owe , who knows, like you said "sooner or later I will know I'm so sorry you had to pay back all that money, I...
  15. needhimback

    Marriage Fraud and third person

    This is so unfair to those who are truly honest and then get denied - there's so much people doing this and get through and those who try to sponsor there love ones and get denied because Immirgation feel it's not real have to suffer - this makes me so MAD!!! Who ever you know that this this...
  16. needhimback

    How would you know if you owe for ex husband going on welfare no bills recieved

    Thanks dobra. But I'm still really nervous to find this out - as mentioned this was over 15 years ago and I can't understand why they wouldn't have contracted me within 15 years. I was on ow serveral times before I landed my permanent job with the Government ,if this was the case, why wasn't...
  17. needhimback

    How would you know if you owe for ex husband going on welfare no bills recieved

    Thank you - sorry I didn't think you need enough post on the forum to receive a private message How did you know that?
  18. needhimback

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Omg congrats Miss D......it's about time, I followed your story and know what you went through I'm so happy for you guys - well deserved - keep us posted on the landing