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  1. F

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    brother welcome. see there are some things to be considered if you are applying yourself...its not a rocket science and nothing difficult to do so, its like enjoying pizza while watching brazil get defeated by 7-1....just kidding! :D normally people who apply themselves, make some very small...
  2. F

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    U r right but this time applicants are also more than last year, still cant say anything for sure but can try and pray. I really dont want anyones app get rejected for any reason, i pray to Almighty Allah we all get success in our apps.
  3. F

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Yes brother i was very very late in 2013 due to CES evaluation, this time submitted on time and inshAllah will get through, will share good news soon. Thanks for the well wishes and support, u r yourself doing a great job brother .
  4. F

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Brother not to discourage u or break ur hopes but i think u r already late! Last year cap for 2174 got filled by those apps tad received at cio by June 6, 2013. You can take chance but it seems impossible now.
  5. F

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    I pray that dont happen with u and anyone and may our apps get accepted and processed asap. In case ur package returns for any reason, u will receive back ur DD in that along with other docs, simply submit it back to the exchange from where u made it, they will charge around 1200~1500 rupees...
  6. F

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    brother u can use the following solutions 1. you can get DD from any INTERNATIONAL (CITI, Standard Chartered, HSBC, Habib Metropolitan Zurich, Bank AlFalah, e.t.c.) bank in Pakistan if you have a foreign currency account preferably in US$ or CAD$ (which I guess you don't have). 2. there are a...
  7. F

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    gooood news all applicants!!!!!!!!! the cc of Holland and Argentina has been charged! PER issued and the file has been transferred to Extra Time Office (ETO) after getting passed from Normal Time Office (NTO)! if everything goes fine then the Penalties will be called and they have to submit...
  8. F

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    cheer up guys...keep hope alive......good luck to all awaiting applicants including me :D //////// lets hope and pray we hear very good news sooner than expected. 8th may ship has started to show signs of good news....rest of the passengers are awaiting in line........Allah plz help us all and...
  9. F

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    still cio is going through 7th may applicants....the 3rd week is finished now!....may be our (8th may applicants) wait is for forever!
  10. F

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    only 3 persons in spreadsheet of 8th may whose payments were charged!.......I think with this speed it will take next whole month get thru 8th may applicants.......still they are going thru 7th may applicants........extremely slow speed as compared to last year!
  11. F

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    do the easy work, make ur own reference letter, make a letter head and get ur matter printed, sign it off by ur employer and send it. if ur employer is not signing it, make an affidavit, mention everything abt ur job duties and role and position. explain abt y ur employer is not issuing u the...
  12. F

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    that's a really long list.....what cio is doing? spending more than 2 weeks on may 7th applicants still these guys have no updates? pathetic processing speed!
  13. F

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    that's why I don't have created anything online except for facebook :D and I don't think so they take facebook information so seriously as more than 90% of people have submitted fake info abt themselves where they work or live or abt their edu. and yes the best way is to hide it and make it...
  14. F

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    if u have applied through a listed cic consultant then u must not worry, things are behaving strangely, be positive, u might hear good new sooner then expected.
  15. F

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    in 2012 forum, 2013 forum and in this 2014 forum, I have seen a lot people who are worried/concerned about how VO takes on with their job reference letters, how they check it against fake and fraud docs and how they contact with the concerned persons or how they verify the docs. I have come...
  16. F

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    I m the famous 8th may applicant, will be flying to Canada on student visa in next 3 months, should I have to change my VO? for Pakistani residents its London VO, I will be residing in Vancouver, BC, should I need to inform cio about it? will my case be processed from London or from Canada?
  17. F

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    dear cio with all due respect and honor...please kindly finish the cases of 7th may and move on.....we are on last stage of waiting...cant wait more....plz feel our frustration and start the cases of 8th may! awaiting your loving response. yours waiting patient!
  18. F

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    its nothing to hide about, I m paying US$2200 as consultant fees which includes everything except visa and landing fees which obviously I have to pay later as needed. I m not paying anything else for posting docs to cio or ces evaluation except for their fees. all documentation, all posting and...
  19. F

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    well I have a different experience and opinion about it, if you are hiring a top notch consultant listed and recognized by cic, then I don't think they would show such lethargic behavior, I hired a consultant, he is charging premium amount but he is so straight forward and blunt in dealing with...
  20. F

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    there are like 64 applicants in spreadsheet for 8th may.........ya Allah plz give atleast that much speed to cio that they start processing these 8th may poor souls (including me)....plz plz plz let us hear good news.......this wait is getting into revenge feelings!