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  1. WorkerInCanada123

    Open Work Permit: No Stamp in Passport!

    I would write a letter explaining that your husband didn't receive a stamp, and clearly state the date and location of where he entered Canada. You could also perhaps include photocopies of all pages in his passport to prove that there is in fact no stamp. As long as you acknowledge this so it...
  2. WorkerInCanada123

    Statutory Declaration of Common-Law Union

    Hi all, My Canadian partner is sponsoring me OUTLAND (common-law). In the instructions, the Statutory Declaration of Common-Law Union (IMM5409) is only listed as a required for the OWP as part of the INLAND application. Those who have applied OUTLAND - did you also submit the IMM5409 as...
  3. WorkerInCanada123

    Schedule A - Personal History

    Hi everyone, Just a question for the Schedule A Form, Question 6, Personal History. I have filled in my personal history for the past 10 years, with NO gaps in time as per the instructions. However, as I was studying for the large part of the past 10 years, I have help multiple appointments...
  4. WorkerInCanada123

    Thread For applications Through SYDNEY (AUSTRALIA) Office

    Hi everyone Just thought I'd reach out and see if anyone on here has recently (i.e. since the change in December 2016) applied for Family Class Spousal Sponsorship (common-law or married) OUTLAND with the Principal Applicant being Australian? Just trying to get a rough idea of processing times...
  5. WorkerInCanada123

    Question about OUTLAND application

    Great- I've done the same! Thank you :-)
  6. WorkerInCanada123

    Question about OUTLAND application

    VERY helpful - thank you! So, if I indicate outland via the checklist (as indicated in the thread you posted), can I still put that I am living IN Canada for the IMM 1344 Q6 application? (which is the truth - I am living in Canada!). Even though I tick the correct class of application on...
  7. WorkerInCanada123

    Question about OUTLAND application

    Oh interesting! I am curious to know what others think too!
  8. WorkerInCanada123

    Question about family members!

    Hey everyone! Thank you so much for your hope thus far with my outland spousal application. I am so grateful this platform is available to help us get through the intricacies of the application! I have a question about IMM 0008 - Generic Application Form for Canada. Specifically, question 3...
  9. WorkerInCanada123

    Question about OUTLAND application

    Wonderful. Thanks for the speedy reply!
  10. WorkerInCanada123

    Question about OUTLAND application

    Hey everyone, I am currently applying OUTLAND through my common-law partner. We chose this route as I currently have a work permit through my employer and i would like to be able to travel back home when needed. We currently live in Canada together and have for the duration of our common-law...
  11. WorkerInCanada123

    Police checks & Schedule A

    Actually - the Schedule A form needs an application number (from AOR). So can I submit without the number?
  12. WorkerInCanada123

    Police checks & Schedule A

    I do have another question - I am applying inland and currently live in Canada on temporary status, do I need to submit a police check for Canada? I never thought of this before! I've got the police checks for my home country and another country I lived in for >6 months, just not for Canada.
  13. WorkerInCanada123

    Police checks & Schedule A

    Thank you! I just ordered them so they've got 6 months validity! And yes thanks for the reminder- will check that the schedule A form I have is the latest. They update these forms so often!
  14. WorkerInCanada123

    Police checks & Schedule A

    Just out of curiosity, has anyone submitted their PR spousal application WITH the police checks and schedule A (instead of waiting for the request to upload online)? I ask as the complete guide says: "You CAN submit police certificates with your application (if you have them), even though you...
  15. WorkerInCanada123

    How long does it take to get approval to apply for a CSQ?

    I will be applying for the spousal sponsorship common-law class from inside Quebec in the next couple of weeks. I'd be interested to know what they say when you call tomorrow! This all seems very overwhelming! Good luck :-)
  16. WorkerInCanada123

    OWP question with inland application

    Hey everyone, I am applying inland through my common-law partner (he is Canadian). I am currently on a work permit through my employer (valid until 2019), however I REALLY need to change jobs, that's why I am applying inland so I can obtain an Open Work Permit (OWP). Thus, the plan is to keep...
  17. WorkerInCanada123

    Common Law Application Questions

    1) Yes, you need to submit the photos with your application when you send it off. 2) The police checks need to be within the last 6 months. 3) I would still submit all the documentation you have dating back to when you first opened the account (regardless if they got your title confused). I...
  18. WorkerInCanada123

    Date common-law relationship started

    Thank you both VERY much for the quick replies and the information. It is extremely helpful! :-)
  19. WorkerInCanada123

    Date common-law relationship started

    Hi everyone, I am currently filling out form IMM1334 - APPLICATION TO SPONSOR, SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENT & UNDERTAKING, and I would like some clarification as to what date I should put for Question 6c: "Provide the date on which you entered into the relationship'. I am in a common-law...