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  1. brar82

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    Right. but think if next year most of the 1122 applicant shift towards crane operator category, then ? :)
  2. brar82

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    grimreaper - now your exclusive 'club of the confused' is expanding :)
  3. brar82

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    Include me in the course. However other options can be: - Social Worker - Chef - Cook
  4. brar82

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    confusion is that on this link the 'Date Modified: 2011-04-01' which is before July 2011. 2nd thought is that they have modified the Occupation list in the database which is reflecting in the dropdown but form design/field is not changed, that's y it is showing previous date.
  5. brar82

    1122 Post Application ON July 2011 Lets Share

    Sanity - you have a point here. It can also possible that they have modified the data of Occupation dropdown only (configurable option of storing values in database) instead of form changes. In this case the date modified on the form is not changed. just a thought.
  6. brar82

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    I think angel is talking about following link: http://www.cic.gc.ca/app/ctcvac/english/index
  7. brar82

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    There is another way. Download Foxit reader. Open the IMM 5562 doc in Foxit and click on Comments-> Typewriter option and then click on each field where you want to enter the details. I think it will work :)
  8. brar82

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    We can not predict till what date they have opened the application. My viewpoint is that till 6th July they have charged CC/BD. But they have checked the document checklist completeness of all Apps received till 4th Aug and this number includes the apps which have passed the doc checklist...
  9. brar82

    1122 Post Application ON July 2011 Lets Share

    Hi, it's bit late now... but still give it a try. All the best!
  10. brar82

    1122 Post Application ON July 2011 Lets Share

    Please see my comments in green.
  11. brar82

    Those planning to Apply after 01 July 2011, Lets connect!!

    I am not aware of your VO, but if you had mentioned New Delhi VO, your 10th Certificate would have been accepted as Birth Certificate. I hope they will consider your Proof of Birth certificate from CGI. Gud Luck :-)
  12. brar82

    Those planning to Apply after 01 July 2011, Lets connect!!

    On that basis, I am a Manager :-) Regards, Navdeep
  13. brar82

    Those planning to Apply after 01 July 2011, Lets connect!!

    you can use courier number provided by the courier company to track the document. check out the courier company's website, there will be an option to enter courier number and track the same. Regards,
  14. brar82

    1122 Post Application ON July 2011 Lets Share

    No. It will be received on Monday (next working day).
  15. brar82

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    Hi. please find my comments inline.
  16. brar82

    Those planning to Apply after 01 July 2011, Lets connect!!

    Applications received toward the overall cap: 556 of 10,000 as of August 2, 2011 Applications received per eligible occupation: Eligible Occupation (by National Occupational Classification [NOC] code) Number of Complete Applications Received* 0631 Restaurant and Food Service Managers 25 0811...
  17. brar82

    Those planning to Apply after 01 July 2011, Lets connect!!

    Hello, Though it's bit late but still hopes are ON until they formally publish on the website that cap is reached. All the best.
  18. brar82

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    Hi Hortons, I don't think there would be any problem. The processing of the app will take some time. You (as a spouse of Principal applicant) can visit your home country if you are confident that PCC can be arranged in your absence in case your VO asked for the same while you are on trip. For...
  19. brar82


    HI Please find my reply inline with your queries. Hope it will be helpful.
  20. brar82

    1122 Post Application ON July 2011 Lets Share

    Hi, If I understood your query correctly, that means you forgot to mention 'NOC 1122' in main Address on Courier. I don't think there will be a problem as the new address (courier) after 18th July do not contain 'Attn: NOC#' line. The new address is: Citizenship & Immigration Canada Federal...