Yay!!!! awesome news mc!! So happy for you!!! Come on CIC approval time!!! hopefully you'll get an email sometime today, have u tried calling? Maybe they sent an approval letter
yes hopefully this week they finish off the april apps, can't believe I look forward to the weekend being over so they can get back to work, I'm hoping that they're finish with april before the long weekend... I can't believe another long weekend is fast approaching and we're still waiting...
Thanks mc!! Really appreciate it that, I hope yours comes fast, I know how horrible the wait can be, gonna be sending all my positive energy for the ones that are waiting.
I got AOR!!!! yay!!!! it's not approval but yay!! omg my stomach did 100 flip flops when I saw the email hehe... how do u know which office it came from?
Received the email 5pm Vancouver time
It's not about being negative, I don't consider myself a negative person and I think it's only fair that members that have been waiting 90+ days come on here to vent. I'm very much for the positive vibe and I've even posted a couple of times about that, speaking in my case it's really really...
Sorry to hear about your situation, tough times. Having said that, the documents are pretty clear when it comes to social assistance, a sponsor cannot be on it except for disability, sorry!