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  1. envman

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    You can find your tracking number and your date of delivery through your FedEx receipt. In this situation, delivery date is very important for 2147 members, many people will be greatfull to you if you can provide correctly this information. Thanx!
  2. envman

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    I've sent my credentials to WES to be evaluated without including the original diplomas, only the notarized and legalized copies. During the evaluation, I have received an email from them with the approximately same content. I waited for 3 weeks 'till I veryfied my WES account and read...
  3. envman

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Many Congrats again!!!! It's PER for sure! :)
  4. envman

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Sorry to hear this. Don't loose your faith and if you still want to immigrate, try Australia, they are looking for IT specialists and IT engineers. Good luck!
  5. envman

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    The 2147 applicants from 2nd and 3th July were charged and PER-ed one by one.... and after that we see a gap of 11 days 'till the next enchased... May all 2147 applicants 'till 15th July be enchased and PER-ed next days... :)
  6. envman

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    There are 8 applicants 2147 in the spreadsheet between 4th July and 15th July... None of them received anything from CIC and in the official update there are only 10 places free... How come?
  7. envman

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Good luck this time!!! Look into the future with faith in your heart! Can you tell what reasons did CIC write in the returning letter and how many days last 'till you received back the file? Thnx a lot!
  8. envman

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    congrats!!!! :) Do you receive PER email or at least CC/DD charged?
  9. envman

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Same situation in my case... Just an opinion: CIC focused most of his resources to speed up processing NOC 2147 and reach cap; other NOCs were left behind or speedprocess was significantly reduced... I hope next week will bring the expected news for all July 1st week applicants.
  10. envman

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    I saw only one in za spreadsheet... user suttam, noc 2147. If u know others, please share...
  11. envman

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    We are all exhausted of this painfull wait... but what can we do?...... just counting the days....
  12. envman

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    If your file would have been rejected, they would told you If your file would have been forwarded to VO, they would told you So, be calm, they are still working on it,... why does it last so long? only they know, but look at our 2263 mate, Jpdentdoc, he's waiting for a while and he found just...
  13. envman

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Another user, Zolter as I remember (I'm not very sure), was in same situation and he got his PER. Try to contact him for more details.
  14. envman

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    None of 4th July forum members was charged 'till now. So, we'll have to wait another day... or a few hours.... :D
  15. envman

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Don't be desperate, just look ahead with faith in your heart :)
  16. envman

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    We should stay calm, with actual CIC's working rhytm, we can expect charging all this week long...
  17. envman

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    If I remember right, user civeng from spreadsheet, NOC 2131, didn't filled up The Number of persons column. She got PER. If the amount is correct, you shouldn't be worried! Try to contact her for more details.
  18. envman

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    How do you know that "No points were assigned for any other employment because the main duties of my work experience were not listed in the employers letters"? Have you received any email in which is specified this reason? Did you specify in that other letters the period of employment, the...
  19. envman

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Maybe at the end of next week, or on the first days of October we'll have our chance...