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Search results

  1. M

    provicial nominee,Ankara visa office

    ye soal, shoma parvandatoon enteghali boode ya az avval mostaghim raft Ankara?
  2. M

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    Shrek I've submitted my complete application On may 3, my IELTS was included in my application.
  3. M

    provicial nominee,Ankara visa office

    Kheili tabrik , ishallah be zoodi pas request ham mishid.
  4. M

    provicial nominee,Ankara visa office

    Hrabee tabrik babat caips ishallah bezoodi medical ro migiri. pooyan yani shoma avaz kardi va ferestadi card melli ro ham?
  5. M

    provicial nominee,Ankara visa office

    Merc, Alan hame madarekam joore, faghat montazer natije Soo pishinam biad ke tarjome konam. va albate Money Order ke baradaram az Canada baram DHL karde ke ehtemalan ta hafte dige be dastam mirese. nahyatan ta 2 hafte ayande madarekam ro miferestam. mamnoon be khater komak hatoon.
  6. M

    provicial nominee,Ankara visa office

    Merc na rastesh daghigh nagoftan baz ham estenbat khodame to ghesmati ke IDentity and CIvil document ro khastand mavared zir ro list kardan -Birth Certificate -Marriage Certificate -National IDs,Family/household registry/book (if applicable) man az National ID estenbat Card Meli ro kardam :/
  7. M

    provicial nominee,Ankara visa office

    IShallah hamintorie ke shoma migi :) Rasti ye soal dige ham beporsam to AA harchi porsidam hichkas javab nadad. man etebar Card melim tamoom shode be nazaretoon age faghat shenasnamaro tarjome konam beferstam irad dare? ya hamin Card meli ghadimi ro ba tarjome name tayid sabt ahval beferstam...
  8. M

    provicial nominee,Ankara visa office

    intori ke man filehay shoma va baghie ostani ha ro track kardam kheili ha engar 1 sal ham baray medical montazer moondand :( manke kollan delam nemikham delam ro khosh konam migam bezar fekr konim hadeghal yeksal dige medical miad ke age zoodtar oomad zogh konam.
  9. M

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    Thanks @ Prince They sent me a package by DHL including a letter to inform me that i was selected by Ontario and my nomination certificate, I didn't receive any email from them. I've never visited Canada but my brother lives in Toronto. Hope you will get you approval soon.
  10. M

    provicial nominee,Ankara visa office

    kheili kheili mamnoonam. amma jalebe ke form hay ma baham fargh dare chon kollan PNP ha alan formhashoon hamine , albate agar az tarigh Job Offer ya mesle ma FSW sabegh bashand, shoma fekr mikonam chon family stream hastid kami fargh dare, dar har soorat edame rah taghriban baray hame yeksane, o...
  11. M

    provicial nominee,Ankara visa office

    salam merc, man hamrah money order bayad ye form(IMM5620E) ham beferstam ke toosh moshakhas konam ba credit card pardakht mikonam ya Money order baad oonja 2 ta soal dare Name of Payer(if different from Principal Applicant ) --- Address of payer (if different from Principal Applicant ) ...
  12. M

    provicial nominee,Ankara visa office

    Salam Fekr konam inja active tar az oon tarafe :D , ye soal dashtam, man tayid nominationam oomade daram karhay federal ro mikonam,dar form payment manzoor az pardakht konande money order kie? masalan agar baray man baradaram az Canada Money order gerefte va ferestade bayad esm oon ro benevisam?
  13. M

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    @rp_tp I'm from Iran and my Noc is 2173 , my FN ends with 0747. @iomokorede Thank you very much
  14. M


    Thank you very much all you guys, I know that this is Alberta's Post but Ontario just started to send nomination so Ontario's candidates don't have as much as experience you do. so I hope I can learn from your experiments. All my documents are ready unless my PCC, but as in my country it will...
  15. M

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    Hi I was one of those who was nominated for Ontario FSW Pilot and I Just received my nomination certificate. we have to pay again for our new file and our previous payments will be returned to us after our FSW file is canceled.
  16. M


    Hi EveryBody My FSW file is for 2007(July) and I just received my Nomination Certificate from Ontario.I'm new to this forum so I'm sorry if i ask too many questions in future. My Visa Office is Ankara and unfortunately its processing time is 35 month, so I think I should wait more than most of you.