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  1. M

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    Congratulation Ahmed You just need to read <a href="http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/provincial/apply-application.asp">Application package – Provincial nominees</a> and By this <a href="http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/EP7TOC.asp">Guide</a> you can prepare...
  2. M

    Tracking PNP October 2012 applications to Nova Scotia

    HI all I sent my application to CIC on October 11th and it seems that they received it on October 16 and My category is Ontario FSW.
  3. M

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    Hi everybody @ Pradeesh I changed its sharing mode, now you can Add your Details. and we should choose Provincial Nominee and then in the PNP form we should write Federal Skilled Workers. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqUjIpDsTjIQdEExdlBwUngwWEJkM3hkd2l1b25aWUE#gid=0 @...
  4. M

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    Now we should wait for our AOR and then Medical Request.
  5. M

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    Hi every body As you may know,Alberta's nominated applicants have a spreadsheet in which they put their information about their time line. I've created the same for us. if you like you can send me your dates and info's and i'll update it.You can reach the spreadsheet by the following address...
  6. M

    provicial nominee,Ankara visa office

    خوبه همه شما بهرحال تا یه مرحله ای پیش رفتید بیچاره ما فدرالهایی که 5 سال قبل منتظر بودیم الان هم تازه افتادیم تو پروسه استانی :) امیدوارم هم کار شما سریعتر انجام بشه هم ماهم از این مدل اپلای جدید بیشتر از قبلی خیر ببینیم :دی
  7. M

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    Pradeesh Yes, I sent my application to this address by courier.
  8. M

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    As I used courier, I sent my package to the address which is mentioned in the guide, because for Federal the main reference is the guide they provide on their site not our PNP Letter, and It seems my package was delivered to right location(as my courier told me).
  9. M

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    The order in which documents are kept is not very important really.It's just to help the officers, In every order you put you documents the visa officers will find what they need. But as me, I first put Checklist, after that IMM0008 (with barcoded pages on the top) and then other documents.I...
  10. M

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    Pradeeshma I sent the actual nomination but I kept a certified copy of that for myself.
  11. M

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    @princeofindia , I'm from Iran, here when you request for Police clearance certificate,it takes extremely two weeks to receive your certificate, and I had to wait one more week to have it translated and confirmed by foreign ministry. Does it take longer in your country?
  12. M

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    @xingyun , Unfortunately I don't have any idea how they are going to refund our past payments.
  13. M

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    we should pay again, after our PNP file opens, our Federal file will be closed and our past payments will be refunded to us.
  14. M

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    You don't need to post your supporting documents like work document or educational ones, The only documents you need to submit for you and your spouse are: Birth Certificates,Marriage certificates, Your Passport's Copy and travel documents, Police Certificate , Photos and forms. In forms there...
  15. M

    provicial nominee,Ankara visa office

    Man Dirooz madarek Federal baray eghdam ostani ro belakhare post kardam va hala bayad bebinam kay behem file no midan, alabate age madraki in vasat gheyv nashe ke besiar negaranam, masool post migoft ferestadan Money Order gheyr ghanoonie o age gomrok keshvarga baste at ro bazrasi konand...
  16. M

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    Some information about living in Canada, the next step is applying for federal process , you can see this link :<a href="http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/provincial/apply-application.asp" target="_blank">Provincial nominees: How to apply—Application package</a>
  17. M

    Ontario FSW Pilot

    Contrats Bansal, yes we should start from the beginning, but don't lose your hope, I've waited 5 years too but let's have hope that our process will be done fast.
  18. M

    provicial nominee,Ankara visa office

    Omidvaram harche zoodtar medicaletoon biad.