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  1. Foster

    Outland vs Inland

    My husband came here last summer and he extended his stay. We're doing the outland application and people I know keep tellimg me I can't do that application while others say it's fine. My hubby did his medical here a couple of weeks ago. Can someone please let me know. I am going to submit...
  2. Foster


    Thanks everyone I really appreciate! CdnandTrini I am the sponsor
  3. Foster


    Thanks smokijoe :D
  4. Foster


    Hello, I am sponsoring my husband but I am also including his son in the application. Now do I have to pay for 1 Right of Permanent Residence Fee or 2? Which of the fees do I need to pay for the entire application?
  5. Foster


    Just wondering.... I got married in December 2012 and have yet to change the name on my passport. On the application do I put my maiden name or my married last name? My driver's license already has my married name on it....
  6. Foster

    Extension of stay

    Phew makes me feel much better knowing that I'm not the only one out there with this concern. Thank you very much!!!
  7. Foster

    Extension of stay

    Out of curiosity, how do we check the status of the extension of stay application. We submitted 30 days before the expiry of my husbands passport but we still have not heard anything and it has been well over 2 months now. We are going to send his outland application in at the end of this month...
  8. Foster

    Medical forms

    Thanks I appreciate the help ;D
  9. Foster

    Medical forms

    Hello, I guess it's just me but I can't seem to find the medical forms for my husband's medical exam. I thought it was in the application package and forms I had but it's not and the doc office here in Edmonton said I need to bring that form in. Can someone help me out and let me know where I...
  10. Foster

    Need suggestions and opinions :) OUTLAND APPLICATION

    Thanks everyone for your opinions :D I really appreciate it!
  11. Foster

    Need suggestions and opinions :) OUTLAND APPLICATION

    We sent it a week ago and on the FBI website it states that it can take up 16-18 weeks. I don't if it will take that long or not.
  12. Foster

    Need suggestions and opinions :) OUTLAND APPLICATION

    We practically have everything ready to submit to the CPC office but the police clearance from the FBI. What would everyone suggest I do? Should we just submit it and then send in the police report when it comes in? Or do we wait for the report to come in and send it altogether?
  13. Foster

    PLEASE HELP! Extension of stay

    My husband is trying to apply online to extend his visit. He has to fill out a questionnaire but at the end it doesn't give the option to fill out and submit the application. What do we do??? How do I get a personal checklist code?
  14. Foster

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    When doing a police clearance throught the FBI, it is asking if we are obtaining this for our own record or for "other" purposes. Which one would my husband check off? A friend of mine is asking and I can't remember which one we checked off lol!
  15. Foster

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    Thanks parker24 and computergeek! I really appreciate the help! I love how helpful and understanding everyone is on here :D
  16. Foster

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    Would he be categorized in the temporary status in Canada then? Also, which office would I send his papers too? Such confusion as to where to send it and what to do at times lol!
  17. Foster

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    He came here in September and they stamped it until March of this year. So we were going to apply for an extension of visit. BUT we just sent in his Background Check to the FBI which they said takes about 4 months. Now would you suggest he goes back to the US or can he stay? Because by the time...
  18. Foster

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    Ok so with that being said. My husband is here and his stamp on his passport say march 2013. Now my husband is applying for an extension of stay what happens then? Cause obviously we need to wait 4 months til the check is done. Frustration is starting to arise sigh
  19. Foster

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    ok good to know thanks everyone! Now my situation is that my husband is an American citizen and is here and his son is in the US and he will be coming here too. I am going to do the outland application but my cousin who just did hers for her Jamaican husband keeps telling me I cannot do the...
  20. Foster

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    Does it really take 16-18 weeks to get a background check done in the US?? If so, would everyone recommend I just send in his papers and once the background check comes send it in?