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  1. S

    Interview....help needed

    am84pm already said it all, Be yourself, be very very truthfull no matter what they ask you. They are psycologist they know your likely answers even before thay ask you the question. so be yourself, I wish you the very best of luck
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    Lost my GCE A LEVEL cert

    Yes you can, but 1st Get an Affidafit for the lost certificate,IS There a way the embassy can confirm the result ? cos In nigeria all result are online all you need is get a scatch card from WAEC( the exam body) and put the scratch card in your application, by that the immigration officer can...
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    September 2013 Post Graduate Certificate intake

    Where are you applying from? Please dont wait too long apply so that you can meet up with the start date Best of luck whenever you apply
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    September 2013 Post Graduate Certificate intake

    It took only 2 weeks, though i have good grades in my B.A, i score 3.45GPA
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    Lost my GCE A LEVEL cert

    Go and swear an affidavit that you lost your Certificate, apply to the body in charge for another one, while u wait for that to come out, use your original statement of result to apply for your MBA.
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    September 2013 Post Graduate Certificate intake

    If you have been admitted for September 2013 Post Gradute Certificate in any of the colleges in Canada, please lets drop it here like its hot. I got admitted into Fanshawe for Human REsources Management PGC sept Intake, i have submitted my application through VFS waiting for CIC to decide on my...
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    Post grad diploma, work permit, PR

    If you do a one year Post graduate course, get your one year PGWP, if you are lucky to quickly get a job then work for One year, when your PGWP expires you can apply for work permit if your job falls under NOC A, 0 or B then apply for CEC once your work experince is over one year. In my own...
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    post graduate program 1yr course

    Yes, you might get a 3yr PGWP, it also depends on the immigration officer that handles your case, but its sure that once you do a 2 yr program you will surely get a 2yrs work permit. in my own opinion
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    Best colleges for post-grad diploma besides George Brown?

    GBC is in toronto, look up for colleges outside Toronto where standard of Living is not as high as toronto and the colleges offers you as much if not more than wat they offer in Toronto
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    Yet another noob questions [Seniors, bare with me please)

    Ok, i am not from Pakistan, i dont think the rule applies in Nigeria
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    Yet another noob questions [Seniors, bare with me please)

    Please what is the new IOM medical rules
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    sponsorship letter

    @nne it depends on how sure they are that both sponsors can actually fund your tuition. If they are convienced with all the supporting document and they are also convienced you are a bonafide student, then they might not tell you to pay, but if they are not they might tell you to pay before they...
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    Transfer from Fleming college to another college

    thanks tiger. i just read it on the website, thanks a bunch
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    Okay, i get a clearer picture now. why do you want to do another MSc, just put in for a Phd is you want to enter canada as a student or apply for skilled worker, i think its better that way. in my own opinion.
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    Transfer from Fleming college to another college

    Thanks for the clarification tiger, what i want to ask is can one get the Pr from other provinces without so much problems
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    You are not wrong. since on the long run you want to be a citizen , apply for a 2 year master program-FULL TIME. you can start working immediately u get to canada(inside ur school) if you work as a RA/TA in your school you can use what you earn to support part of your tuition, but before you...
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    Do I have to hand in my original transcripts and degrees?

    I submitted all my originals and photocopies. thou i have the copies with me. i hope they will return it intact , i have applied to UK BEFORE AND WHEN THEY WERE RETURNIng my document tehy returned all.
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    What are my chances of Visa Success

    Yes People writ Sops, but it does not guarantee the visa will be issued based on that. thou the Sop will help you explain most things you will not be there to explain to them, and if you are lucky you might be favoured based on your SOP
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    sponsorship letter

    No your husband's letter should have a heading like a resume.. the name adress and contact info like a letter head , then the company's letter of course on a letter head
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    Postgraduate Certificate from CANADA

    I am applying from Nigeria. and my husband is not coming with me, my kids are not coming either, just me. thou they will come later for visiting, that will be around graduation.