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  1. GoonerClank

    Manila Tread for English Speakers - join here!

    New Rule for Spousal Sponsorship Two-Year “Legitimate Relationship” Regulation (October 26th, 2012) - cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/releases/2012/2012-10-26.asp I thought the sponsorship length to 5 years was introduced at this time but it seems that it was earlier. Last paragraph of...
  2. GoonerClank

    Manila Tread for English Speakers - join here!

    Thanks Steph and CJG, I was thinking that may be the case, but to see the drop off at Nov 2012 when the new rules came in just made me wonder.
  3. GoonerClank

    Manila Tread for English Speakers - join here!

    Just a observation, would like to get the opinions on it form some of the people that have been on here a while. Looking at the Manila VO spreadsheet there seems to be a steep drop in the number of apps after November 2012 (with the new rules). Does anyone know if this trend is similar with...
  4. GoonerClank

    Manila Tread for English Speakers - join here!

    iPhone is a good idea, they have wifi there, my wife was able to send me iMessages about some questions they asked so she could get proper answers. As for flights to Canada that bypass US. Besides the Manila-Vancouver ones or the HK to Vancouver or HK to Toronto If you are on east coast...
  5. GoonerClank

    Manila Tread for English Speakers - join here!

    I can also echo Mrs.JGM613's post. My wife was there from about 7am until 7pm (with a couple hour break for lunch). And I think even some people had to come back the next day to pick up the certificate. My wife had an early flight out the next morning so she got her certificate at about 6:30 pm...
  6. GoonerClank

    Manila Tread for English Speakers - join here!

    Hi Steph, Here is a good rundown on what to expect, it helped my wife out immensely. valleyofcoconuts.blogspot.ca/2011/03/how-to-get-your-cfo-certificate-in-cebu.html Prices might have changed a bit but the rundown is quite accurate. Yes you can do it before, my wife did it in January...
  7. GoonerClank


    Hi there. I am new to this forum and have a question about the RPRF (Right of Permanent Residence Fee). We just had our application sponsor approved, and in the email it mentions the RPRF in the standard way : If the Right of Permanent Residence Fee is applicable to your application and you...