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  1. Souricette

    What do they check for SA?

    thank you!!
  2. Souricette

    What do they check for SA?

    Quick question? What do they check at SA stage? I know they check criminal record, not being on welfare,but do they also check the intent to return to Canada and current status in the foreing country? Or those elements are adressed at the VO ? I ask because I don't have a lot of proof of my...
  3. Souricette

    June 2015 - Outland applications

    Looks like June is a quiet month! Hopefully I will send mine by the end of the month, but I still have a lot of work to do. Medicals are sceduled for next week and we are in the process of getting criminals records. Good luck to you!
  4. Souricette

    Medical Report IMM1017

    Hi My husband is scedule to do his medical exam next week (upfront). But they ask him to bring hs "medical report". I looked on CIC website and they say they send this form just after the process is started. What should we do? Can I have a copy? Can I do the medical without it? Thanks
  5. Souricette


    thank you both! I think you all agree it's not really necessary. Sadly, I don't have pictures with my family because my bf never came to Canada. But I'm pretty confident they will believe us.
  6. Souricette


    HI I suppose this question have been ask a lot but I can't find an answer that fits my situation. So a little bit of context: My bf and I met and started dating in february 2014. He is from peru. We will get married in May and we want to send the application in June. We have been appart from...
  7. Souricette

    LIMA office 2014

    Ok gracias! Ojala lo nuestro sea asi de rapido. 9 meses seria perfecto, ya que llegar a Quebec antes de marzo es un poco frio para un pobre peruano ;)
  8. Souricette

    LIMA office 2014

    Hey como estan ustedes? He visto que han recibido el passeport request. Han llegado a Canada ya? Cuanto tiempo tarda después del passeport request?? Yo me voy a casar en mayo y enviar todo los papeles a principio de junio. Es pero que a esta fecha del anyo próximo este todo terminado :D
  9. Souricette


    Why should you be worried? Do they test drug at some point?
  10. Souricette

    LIMA office 2014

    ok gracias...y el acta del RENIEC cuanto tiempo tardan en enviarlo?
  11. Souricette

    LIMA office 2014

    DeeY te piden el documento de la RENIEC? Entonces será mejor esperar este documento antes de enviar todo?
  12. Souricette

    Where do we even begin?

    LOL I hope so! In Quebec nobody change their name when they marry. The law states that you should keep you maiden name unless exeptional circumstances. It's also the case for a lot of country in Europe and South America. So, it would make no sense that you had to change your name to apply for...
  13. Souricette

    Spousal Outland Questions: IMM5406 & IMM5490E

    Those are good questions. Anyone? For the photos it's only the sponsored person.
  14. Souricette

    Spousal sponsorship

    Has you are from Peru, I think you should apply Outland. Processing times in Lima are short (5-6 months). I'm not so familiar with the process, but I think you can stay in Canada the whole time has long has you can maintain a status. Good luck
  15. Souricette

    Hello. I Need some advice and help about my relationship please !

    Or you come here for a year, enjoy your experience. After a couple of months you two move together if you feel it's working. And then, after a year when your visa expire, if it's still working with your girlfriend you have a few options: - She goes to your country and you continue living...
  16. Souricette

    LIMA office 2014

    No te olvidas de enviar muchas pruebas de la relación y del matrimonio (photos, cartas, etc...)
  17. Souricette

    Sponsorship for wife South America

    3. When I will have a interview with the embassy from my country? You only have an interview if they doubt about your relationship or something else. Currently Lima is processing aplications within 5-7 months I think, but it could be more or less. It is different for every case. 6. English A. I...
  18. Souricette

    LIMA office 2014

    5 meses es muy rapido!! Sinifica que en 7-8 meses seria terminado todo?? Es casi demasiado rapido jajaja Cuando tendré tiempo de ensenarle francés a mi novio?? :o
  19. Souricette

    LIMA office 2014

    Que bien entonces no hay que esperar nada? Yo pensaba que había que esperar un papel de la RENIEC diciendo que el matrimonio esta registrado o algo parecido. Si ya see...Ya tengo los documentos míos de Canadá, que complicado fue! Y uno de los documentos esta cortado y nosé que hacer porque no...