Hello everybody! Now i have done it, I fell inlove with a girl from Canada that i have met over internet. We have been talking for like one and a half year soon (Yes i know, long time ) and i gotta tell you guys i am crazy about this girl. It may sound silly to you guys but that's how it is. I've had previous relationships (normal ones) but noone of that does even come close to what this means to me. This girl makes me really happy and she feels the same way.
So i kinda want to make this whole thing real because i feel like i cannot afford to lose this girl from my life just because we're stuck in different countries. She's Canadien and i am Swedish. I have been reading around a bit on this forum though and collected information but i haven't really found out what the best thing to do in our situation is. I have this plan on getting a working permit for a year since i am below 30 years old so i can go to visit her and work in Canada and also enjoy ice hockey which i love. I have my favorite NHL team since long in the very same town she's living
But how do i go along with this i wonder ? I read somewhere that you must be together or live together for 12 months ? I am not even sure that i can live together with her at this point in life (even if we're both in Canada ) Although we'll be spending every single day together but i don't know if that counts? If it counts i have another question. Is it legitimate that i met her online , or must i meet her in real life for it to be considered real, even tho i am going there for a year to be with her and work ? in that case , should i buy a visit ticket and then "meet her my first time " during that trip, come back to sweden and apply for my working visa to collect those 12 months ?
I am not sure how this works so that's why i ask about this.. Also thinking in these terms may seem shady , but guys and girls. We really love each other and we want to make this work and i will do anything for it if i have to. Altho i am not sure if we're ready to get married yet because she's both working and studying right now and one would want to have the life a bit more set up before marrying.
Anyway, i apologize if this text is rather messy i pretty much just wrote my thoughts here. Would appriciate any help though!
Best Wishes /Curiousone
So i kinda want to make this whole thing real because i feel like i cannot afford to lose this girl from my life just because we're stuck in different countries. She's Canadien and i am Swedish. I have been reading around a bit on this forum though and collected information but i haven't really found out what the best thing to do in our situation is. I have this plan on getting a working permit for a year since i am below 30 years old so i can go to visit her and work in Canada and also enjoy ice hockey which i love. I have my favorite NHL team since long in the very same town she's living
But how do i go along with this i wonder ? I read somewhere that you must be together or live together for 12 months ? I am not even sure that i can live together with her at this point in life (even if we're both in Canada ) Although we'll be spending every single day together but i don't know if that counts? If it counts i have another question. Is it legitimate that i met her online , or must i meet her in real life for it to be considered real, even tho i am going there for a year to be with her and work ? in that case , should i buy a visit ticket and then "meet her my first time " during that trip, come back to sweden and apply for my working visa to collect those 12 months ?
I am not sure how this works so that's why i ask about this.. Also thinking in these terms may seem shady , but guys and girls. We really love each other and we want to make this work and i will do anything for it if i have to. Altho i am not sure if we're ready to get married yet because she's both working and studying right now and one would want to have the life a bit more set up before marrying.
Anyway, i apologize if this text is rather messy i pretty much just wrote my thoughts here. Would appriciate any help though!
Best Wishes /Curiousone