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  1. Souricette

    activty? in personal history question??

    Could you tell me in witch form they ask you that?
  2. Souricette

    proof of relationship

    The proofs I plan to use are those: - Photos (about 100, include trips, friends, bf family, Chrismas and New year, wedding, etc.) - Passport stamps from sponsor (me) showing 3 entries in Peru and time I've been there - Airplane and bus tickets for both of us - Joint bank account - A couple of...
  3. Souricette

    proof of relationship

    Mmm ok! Maybe you're right. I was thinking they will probably not read it completly but if they doubt the relationship they could check further. I'll think about those 7 Cs!!
  4. Souricette

    LIMA office 2014

    Ultraismo preguntita...Cuanto tiempo demoraron antes de entregarte el certificado de casamiento? Estoy buscando en la Web de la RENIEC pero no encuentro. Gracias!! ;D
  5. Souricette

    proof of relationship

    Thansk Handsup! Well, maybe I'm overdoing it! Maybe I will send less....
  6. Souricette

    proof of relationship

    How do you know Facebook, Skype conversations doesn't need translation? I've seen a lot of people answering yes, it has to be translated. I've decided to translate my Facebook conversation. I kept 1 or 2 pages for every day (but it is because we used Facebook just in the first months, after...
  7. Souricette

    Quebec Outland Applicants 2013 Thread / Timeline

    Bonjour tout le monde! I am wondering. Did you received the letter from CIC asking for CSQ by mail or by email? Sponsor or sponsored adress? I am aplying saying that I (sponsor) live in Quebec. However, I will still be with my love in his country (has a tourist) when we will have to ask for...
  8. Souricette

    LIMA office 2014

    Gracias!! Para nosotros sera un poco mas tiempo porque tenemos que pedir el CSQ (Québec). Pero creo que con fe lo conseguimos en un año! Creo que el red flag que vamos a tener es que no nos conocemos desde mucho tiempo. De hecho, vamos a casarnos a penas más de un año después de habernos...
  9. Souricette

    LIMA office 2014

    Nosotros también vamos a aplicar a Lima. Como les va a ustedes hasta ahora? Dicen que 80% de los casos salen positivo en Lima :D me parece bastante bien! Que creen que son los "red flags" mas importantes para Perú? Poca gente en la boda sera mal visto? Nosotros planeamos invitar unas 30...
  10. Souricette

    Sponsor: do I live in Canada?

    Thanks for the advice but that would be with a illimited budget for tickets and rent....It would be really expensive to come back just to send the aplication and then go back in Peru. And I don't think it would change anything that I spent 2 weeks here and go back. I've been told by an agent at...
  11. Souricette

    Sponsor: do I live in Canada?

    I know but we don't wanna be separated for like 1 year and half....By september I believe my acceptation has sponsor will be done and we would have receive CSQ. We would just have to wait for his acceptation. I think it's about 7 months for Lima office and 80% of files are done wihtin 12 months...
  12. Souricette

    Sponsor: do I live in Canada?

    Hi everyone! I've been reading your posts for a couple of months, thanks for all the advices you already provided me! So I have a lot of question about my case but let's beggin with that one: Should I declare that I live outside Canada or not? There is my situation: - I am going "live" with by...