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Search results

  1. scallop

    WES ECA evaluate doubt

    thanks too much and regards:)
  2. scallop

    WES ECA evaluate doubt

    Thanks for Your reply Yes unfortunately big and enormous problem is Canadian Rule it possible change momently and immediately definitely you've observed by the time [Quebec , mon project arima,Saskatchewan and many detailed things..] fact is i want to start based on this verification and in...
  3. scallop

    WES ECA evaluate doubt

    Thanks too much sir definitely i'll Observe the law but my question was Dees that NOTE[under result] means it possible now(currently i am writing ) WES ECA assess this university and it's Master degree equivalent to Canadian Master Degree[NOW] in some case possible if i earn from this...
  4. scallop

    WES ECA evaluate doubt

    i used free WES tools it assets it as a master but i do not understand that NOTE comes under result please interpret it thanks is it possible i earn degree from this university which Canada assets as 2 years mastery then in special condition will not asset ? if YES, can please counter what...
  5. scallop


    Hello all still one thing confused me please help as you can thanks in advance Does for french skill worker Ontario applicant should have CRS score ? i mean in this page https://www.ontario.ca/page/oinp-express-entry-notifications-interest does not mention front of skill french worker any CRS...
  6. scallop

    Certificate Attestation - ICFAI Sikkim

    hello sir as i make a thread which still confused too much me i also have a this problem i want to start Master degree for OINP but i can not find in that list [name of all university] how i can be sure additional of famous university in my country if i want to start master in county (not in big...
  7. scallop

    WES ECA evaluate doubt

    Hello all i want to start Master degree for OINP ( french skill worker program ) How i can be sure this Master degree will be asses as a MASTER degree ? in WES free tools i didn't see anything just some university of my country not all of them Just City Name and 2-3 university .... please Help...
  8. scallop

    what will happen after FSWP in french skill worker Ontario

    Hello i really confused and distracted :(:mad::confused: one of the Ontario's program is Human capital --> Ontario's express entry --> French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream My question is what will happen after you obtain 67 in FSWP and have B2 in TEF what is the next step ? will next step is...
  9. scallop

    does equality in giving work exist ?

    But you may find that you don't get called for interviews etc. once they learn of your status. Soft discrimination like this is very hard to prove.[exact example ] This decision sends an important message to Ontario employers that differential treatment on the basis of a person’s citizenship or...
  10. scallop

    does equality in giving work exist ?

    so many thanks for Your answer Yes completely correct. cheers
  11. scallop

    does equality in giving work exist ?

    Hello all for a long time this question has been Annoying me please put me in a right way suppose a foreign person apply for student visa in Canada and it will be accepted beside it suppose he/she has top IT certification and is a expertise (strong knowledge and experience ) hourly paying for...
  12. scallop

    master university for Networking computer ?

    hello i searched but i did not find out as i was looking please help for master degree (Computer) but mostly related to Networking/Security can you named several universities in Canada(city is not important) but PGWP will be accepted for that (if you know otherwise no problem i check it...
  13. scallop

    how successfully get open work permit due to spouse?

    just one things always has been question for me any one go to Canada one important and most reason is after education proceed to take PR and change it to Citizenship one reason for giving SOWP is you leave immediately after expiration of visa but all we know if your spouse going for a study...
  14. scallop

    how successfully get open work permit due to spouse?

    hello if spouse has a study visa how possible to increase chance of getting SOWP ? what factors decrease chance of obtain visa? which parameters can increase? obviously just if we say it's completely based on chance and arbitrary from officer it won't be correct and accurate because...
  15. scallop

    work permit for spouse

    i don't have word to express my deep gratitude for your replying such a this perfectly just for last Query what Documents as a Canadian rule needed for issue SOWP for spouse ? further than Passport,Photo,Marriage Certificate is it possible asked for spouse's Job or any things related to...
  16. scallop

    work permit for spouse

    yes maybe this is a link https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/temporary-residents/study-permits/post-graduation-work-permit-program.html
  17. scallop

    work permit for spouse

    so many many thanks from your answer just one thing is not clear for me please Let me i verify and ask one of us can apply first for Permanent Resident (either me with my work experience or she(with her Graduation under PGWP ) and wait 3 years till we can apply for citizenship that thing not...
  18. scallop

    work permit for spouse

    hello all as this Link https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/study-canada/work/help-your-spouse-common-law-partner-work-canada.html clearly was described if your wife has a Student Permit her husband can enter Canada with Work permit 1- if you have this kind of...
  19. scallop

    Work Experience Proof

    Hell all as a one section in Work Experience ( i see in Ontario's Document bu not different all provinces are same surely) one section which is Mandatory for proofing Work Experience is Proof compensation in description has been come "Documentation to verify that you were paid for all periods...
  20. scallop

    TEF or TEF Canada ! which one accepted

    Hi again You took TEF for which program ? Did You apply for Federal EE Skill worker ? and what You mean by result sheet ?is there any document i can see clearly for EE Skillworker Federal TEF now accepted?