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  1. scallop

    General Consultant for Language Degree

    Yes correct and thanks too much:)
  2. scallop

    Does just TEF accepted for Express entry

    @smash1984 thanks i was happy while see your reply for confirming this but in other thread i asked about difficulty , but also i get answered related to this query https://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/threads/general-consultant-for-language-degree.652523/#post-8148055...
  3. scallop

    General Consultant for Language Degree

    how i can verify this question through a them [ircc] possible ask them by an E-mail? one time i did for Ontario they answered me about language :( or better some one solve this concern how much TEF can be harder rather than TEF canada OTOH,while i will have prepared for TEF , can i give TEF...
  4. scallop

    General Consultant for Language Degree

    thanks @21Goose Oh really :oops::oops::oops::confused::confused::(:(:( Are you certainly knowing this ? because this is very important for me !!! someone in other thread replied he got TEF and accepted[time around 6-7 months ago this year] :(:(:(:(:(:(:( i get confused in this link...
  5. scallop

    General Consultant for Language Degree

    Hello again Sir @21Goose and too much thanks for your replying back actually i don't want DELF (i know how much is difficulty) i mean TEF Yes i have background in french (i passed A1 DELF with i think above 70 or 70 scores) i decide to have tuition in my home and trainer told me you can reach...
  6. scallop

    Does just TEF accepted for Express entry

    Thanks too much sir for your reply yes ,i claim for both of them my question exact is there any sensible[tef OR tef canada] different for this system ?! so in another query from me also some guys replied both of them can be accepted i asked because in drop down list is showed TEF Canada...
  7. scallop

    Does just TEF accepted for Express entry

    @smash1984 just let me i add i selected as second language in this case still both TEF and TEF Canada valid ? or no one of them ?
  8. scallop

    Does just TEF accepted for Express entry

    Thanks @smash1984 for clarify you mean both TEF and TEF Canada will be accepted for express entry program? did i get correct?
  9. scallop

    Does just TEF accepted for Express entry

    Hello all in express entry CRS tools when you chose language it shows you TEF Canada i want to know does TEF accepted for express entry ? thanks
  10. scallop

    General Consultant for Language Degree

    hello all this question maybe have thousands side and answers , certainly all things related directly to how much applicant potential has and what is his approach and ... my query is around FRENCH language Degree like TEF (not TEF canada) , if someone has really good potential and be diligent...
  11. scallop

    IELTS 8

    but my question is that how you could got this fabulous and extraordinary score in Your IELTS please share your secrets or even what have you done for it to achieve this high score please
  12. scallop

    IELTS 8

    Yes agree with @haris_rasheed at least 7 in W needed
  13. scallop

    Does EE will be permanent

    Yes ,i see , True ,... thanks for point it.:)
  14. scallop

    Does EE will be permanent

    :D Something like this thanks for helping
  15. scallop

    Does EE will be permanent

    hello all how i can understand Next Year or 2 years later still Express entry with this structure works? [not changed anymore for example if now master degree has 120 not changed to 90 ] i mean 1 year later or few years later we can apply through this program and if now CRS 500 is valid[get...
  16. scallop

    proof of compensation

    that photo extract from Ontario Guide book thanks and regards
  17. scallop

    proof of compensation

    Hello in my country there is a organization which one of their tasks is generate something called work experience for this task : each month regularly employer has to give employee name to this organization [it shows employee has taken money from his/her jobs ) when ever any one want to prove...
  18. scallop

    CRS score distribution analysis

    Hello with this score you can also apply for https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontarios-express-entry-french-speaking-skilled-worker-stream if B2 TEF you have You can obtain 600 scores extra but last EE draw was 467 Yes last was little high if You change IELTS score for example CLB9 exponentially...
  19. scallop

    CRS score distribution analysis

    Thanks and regards for certainly and become sure reach to 500 scores in CRS has perfect confirmation for getting invitation