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  1. L

    July - 2014 Applications

    Think that's the site as a whole - I see that date too ....
  2. L

    how much tax should pay a year as full time worker

    How can you have over 500 posts and be asking this now? Your tax for the year will be on your T4
  3. L

    June 2014 - CEC applications

    After a few weeks of nothing - seems to be a lot of movement :) Congrats to you all - although I have to say, can't help feeling a little envious!!
  4. L

    June 2014 - CEC applications

    I have read on one of the threads that someone got PPR - and their ECAS only showed the 3 lines. I personally wouldn't put too much weight behind ECAS status.
  5. L

    June 2014 - CEC applications

    Didn't wait for the request - just paid upfront at beginning of October.
  6. L

    June 2014 - CEC applications

    Not sure if you are asking me ... But here's my info anyways. Filed Jun 20 - AOR Aug 8 - med rec Feb 27 - got my 5 lines Oct 3 Paid my RPRF at that time (didn't wait for request) Have called CIC twice since -!to be told still in process
  7. L

    June 2014 - CEC applications

    Means exactly that - still in process ... Mine changed to 5 lines at the beginning of October - no news since :/
  8. L

    CEC - August 2014 application

    Erghhh . It's so difficult to know what to do for the best! My lawyer absolutely recommended paying upfront (along with my MP) as they said the time they check if you've paid, then goes to wait to send out the request for payment - then adds time waiting to reconcile the payment etc. They said...
  9. L

    June 2014 - CEC applications

    fucking disgrace - should be ashamed of themselves
  10. L

    June 2014 - CEC applications

    fucking disgrace - should be ashamed of themselves
  11. L

    June 2014 - CEC applications

    Wow - congrats ... I called CIC this morning and was told what I already knew - in processing. If I hear or see that phrase again - I'll scream !!!
  12. L

    CEC - August 2014 application

    I just called and the guy denied that - however, if the 14 months was true then I'd already have PR!!!
  13. L

    June 2014 - CEC applications

    Right now not sure if that makes me feel better?!
  14. L

    June 2014 - CEC applications

    Depressing .... Little movement over the last weeks of the previous govt. pretty much zero now ... Didn't think it could get any less! Used to look forward to 2-3 people getting PPR / COPR / decision made mid to end of a week. Complete shit show
  15. L

    July - 2014 Applications

    I had my MP make an enquiry on my behalf - and I had to give authorisation for them to do so.
  16. L

    Travel Advice Needed

    From personal experience - I was told by my lawyer NOT to travel while I was on implied status - as border services are not obliged to let you back in. I had to wait until I had a valid permit actually in my hand!
  17. L

    CEC - August 2014 application

    Feel the same .... Can't think straight. Affecting everything in my life - sounds dramatic but true. I didn't get a work permit extension so have stayed on as visitor status. Thought this was going to be done by summer ... Gone through my savings, no medical - no sign of PPR. Work now can't...
  18. L

    CEC - August 2014 application

    This wait is making everyone go mental !!!
  19. L

    July - 2014 Applications

    Oh god knows .... I'm in bed now - but if I find a copy of it tomorrow I'll let you know ...
  20. L

    July - 2014 Applications

    When did you get asked for the RCMP one?