Thanks for the links. My guess is giving students more points is a likely change. In the first link it was also mentioned that they can reduce the points awarded for getting a job offer. We'll just have to wait and see.
From this report it seems they're going to ease residency requirement to obtain citizenship for students. But I didn't read anything about making it easier to obtain PR?
That's interesting. Can you point me to some sources on this info? Do you know what might be some possible changes, like giving more points for Canadian experience maybe?
Hello guys. Would any of you who have successfully landed share your experience of looking for a job in Canada? Would education and work experience in the US be of any benefit? I've heard people saying they have difficulty finding a job with their foreign work experience because many employers...
Thanks Asivad. I really hope this is not true. Many of us are graduating soon and preparing to apply. If I heard my NOC is removed I'd be so devastated.
Hello everyone, I saw a post today somewhere that says NOC occupation restriction is going to be put into Express Entry again some time mid-year 2016. I searched around and couldn't find anything about it. Does anybody know if this rumor is true, or have any information on that? Thanks a lot :)
I believe they do check for STDs, which might involve having the client expose their private areas. Would having a female doctor doing the exam make you feel more comfortable?
Thank you guys for all the valuable information. I'm curious, as to whether a degree and working experience from United States would be looked upon better, as it seems Canadian working experience is really important when finding a job.
From what I understand, the position has to be one year continuous at least. If you switch jobs in less than one year, even in the same field, it won't count. Am I understanding this wrong?
So it seems the target for 2016 should be ~60k, but they already used up 40k, that's why the cutoff is so high right now. I guess then starting 2017 the cutoff should become lower once another 60k become available?
Wow, that's great to hear! I assume you're in a similar situation like me? Were you able to make the RA/TA count towards points in CRS? I worked as TA for 5 years for 20 hours/week. So it should be equivalent to 2 years full time, is that correct? Thank you!
Thank you so much for the reply. The reason I asked is some people have said TA/RA experience doesn't count towards points for CEC. The CIC website says working experience won't count if you're enrolled as a full time student, but only for CEC. It didn't say this restriction also applies for...