You declared in your PR application that you will be bringing this money to Canada so yes, you have to either have it with you or show the proof eg bank statement, that you have the required amount in your bank account or in other form.
Your Masters was assessed as equal to Masters in Canada so you can't claim points for "two or more...", you claim points for master's degree only.
It doesn't matter how many degrees you have in your home country, you always go with what it says on your ECA report.
Worded badly I would say. What @noscaf2014 meant to say was, I think, that every degree, no matter where obtained, has to be evaluated in Canada if OP wants to claim points for it.
Write an email to LVO and ask for update on your application as it's over their usual processing time. Or you can order GCMS notes to look into the details of your application.
Qualified means education. You have to put a date you were sufficiently educated to do what you do.
As my education had nothing to do with my work experience and there were no education requirements for my occupation (not regulated occupation) I put the date I graduated from high school.
Yes, you can drop the work experience you don't want to claim points for even if it's in the same organisation.
In the experience letter write the roles and responsibilities that that are the closest match to your primary NOC.
I just deleted the entry but it was my high school education I didn't claim points for. I didn't mention anything about it in LoE. My application was approved some time ago.
I would count it as one just to be safe. Unless you can obtain a letter from your company stating that you work full time position at at least 30 hours a week.
In my application I included the experience letter from my employer only without any paystub and it went through all right.
But it's up...
What do you mean by having "cheques"? Do you mean weeks of work experience? If yes it is fine as you need minimum 30 hours a week. Everything over is irrelevant. But for EE you need to prove 52 weeks of work experience in skilled occupation so you're still short 4 weeks.