Mine was delivered on 9th of November! (According to courier website!)
Is it possible to be in the cap?!
I think the applications weren't accepted by security for anyone who is not in the cap !
Am I right?
Yes, You can pursue a federal and Quebec application simultaneously .
Read this article:
Dear Lamma,
The payment form has two options:
Immigration consultant:
1.Application for recognition
2.Renewal of recognition
Which one of them do I have to choose?
I'm single and I don't know how to fill page 9 of "Application for selection certificate A-0520-AA" form.
Could you please let me now about that?It's very confusing! ???
Hi Lammawitch,
I'm about to send my application on early November,Can I use my friend's credit card for paying my application fee?
What should I do for that?