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  1. Catou

    Spousal sponsorship

    Amrit, these forums get really confusing for people if the same thing is posted in different places across the forums. I gave you the direct links to the information you wanted and other people will see your post...
  2. Catou

    Seek members guidance related to spouse sponsored visa

    Citizens stay citizens unless they apply to give up their citizenship so you don't have anything to worry about there.
  3. Catou

    Do they even use e-CAS?

    We've been checking every few days for a month now and there is nothing showing up online. We've had sponsorship approval and know the file has been transferred to the VO, but there is nothing there to see online. I'm not expecting anything much yet as the application decision could be months...
  4. Catou

    Spousal sponsorship

    I checked with CIC over this same thing and was told that a person on a tourist visa (even visa exempt) cannot be living in Canada. The person is only staying in Canada temporarily, even if that stay is extended. This is because a person on a tourist visa has no rights of residence in Canada...
  5. Catou

    Question about fee receipt.

    You will need to ask CIC. Anyone who tried to answer here would only be guessing. I'm rather surprised the receipts don't say what they are for or give an amount on them.
  6. Catou

    Thread For applications Through SYDNEY (AUSTRALIA) Office

    You put your Australian address. You are currently not "living" in Canada, you are just staying there temporarily. Be careful to understand the distinction (a tourist visits, a resident lives there) because saying you live in Canada when you have no legal right to residence raises all kinds of...
  7. Catou

    Seek members guidance related to spouse sponsored visa

    Hello Amrit Based on what you have said here then she should be eligible to qualify as a sponsor however she needs to be able to prove that she can provide care and support for you. All the information is here: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/3999Etoc.asp Your baby...
  8. Catou

    Spousal sponsorship

    Re: Question about Form IMM5490 In this case, write "Not Applicable" in the date area and on a separate sheet of paper explain the situation.
  9. Catou


    We never received an AOR but after waiting and worrying SA has been received and the file transferred. Now, we are waiting for Quebec. I hope they don't take too long - I can't wait to be patient ;D
  10. Catou

    police and medical checks, with application?

    CIC requires you to follow the guide. If people are telling you that the guide is wrong then they don't know what they are talking about. The guide MUST be followed. If you don't follow the guide you risk having your application returned to you. There should be information about the photos at...
  11. Catou

    Question regarding fee payment for sponsorship

    It's okay to send in two receipts.
  12. Catou

    Foreign Service - Strike?

    One person's challenges and drawbacks are another person's opportunities. I understand what you are saying though. A semi-nomadic life suits some people but can be hard on families.
  13. Catou

    Spousal Interview Questions

    These questions might be helpful for some people but I really question the wisdom of rehearsing answers. Anyone that is NOT in a genuine relationship will have rehearsed and rehearsed. VO's are not stupid - they will know if couples have practised and will wonder about how genuine they are...
  14. Catou

    Evidence of Plans to Re-Establish in Canada

    If you have told friends and other family members of your plans you could get letters from them too. If you told people on any social networking sites, print out the pages. If your son is school age show internet searches where you have researched schools. Contact schools or child care...
  15. Catou


    The strike is over, so hopefully things will speed up now: http://www.pafso.com/news_releases.php?newsID=168
  16. Catou

    Experiences on B4 preparation and submission for a family?

    First off, its important to realise that completing form B4 before you land is entirely optional. The customs officer will do this at the border if you don't prepare it in advance yourself. Form B4 A is simply a continuation form for use if you run out of space on form B4. What is important is...
  17. Catou

    police certificate australia for SPonsorship application

    Mine was processed within 2 days and sent by mail. They use regular, standard mail to send them out.
  18. Catou

    Photos and relationship testimonial

    We both thought the same and really felt like writing, "you want to know if we are genuine then look!" I got to the point where I just wanted to answer every question with:"With all the government spying that is going on, surely you can find that information in your databases somewhere?"
  19. Catou

    Photos and relationship testimonial

    That's a good philosophy :-)
  20. Catou

    IM008 Generic application Question

    If your mother didn't include you in her PR application and you qualify as dependent children the application will probably not be accepted. However, your case is complicated since you were previously PR and have had travel documents declined. Your mother really needs good legal advice on your...