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Search results

  1. Catou

    IEC change to work permit LMO needed? Same employer.

    Yes, he is Australian. His company won't apply for a LMO and CIC have told him he cannot apply for another IEC since he is there on an intra company transfer. However, the company doesn't treat it as an intra company transfer. He's stuck between a rock and a hard place at the moment since he...
  2. Catou

    Foreign Service - Strike?

    Actually, they are not. If you go back a page or two there are links to the negotiation documents and you can see for yourself exactly what they are asking for. In many cases they are only trying to stop going backwards in terms of income and benefits. For the qualifications they need to have...
  3. Catou

    IEC change to work permit LMO needed? Same employer.

    Hi all, I'm asking a question for a panicked family member. He is in Canada working full-time under an IEC visa. He has a letter from his employer saying that he is in a permanent position, working full-time and giving details of his job title and salary. His job was organised before he moved...
  4. Catou

    Sponsoring a "child" older than 21 yrs of age

    No, parents cannot sponsor their independent children. You will need to look at whether you could get a work permit if you wish to move to Canada but your parent's status is not going to help you unfortunately.
  5. Catou

    Thread For applications Through SYDNEY (AUSTRALIA) Office

    I'm trying to arrange shipping from NZ now but if all you need to take is a tool box I'd recommend trying to take it over with you. How much does it weigh? If two of you are travelling Air NZ you could take their prepaid baggage option - it's NZD$95 for the first extra bag and a total of NZD$240...
  6. Catou

    Shipping from New Zealand to Canada

    No, not yet. I'm trying to get some idea of which are good, bad or indifferent from people's first-hand experiences. Getting quotes isn't a huge issue, getting quotes from companies that people have found to be reliable is what I'm interested in.
  7. Catou

    Shipping from New Zealand to Canada

    Thanks for that :-)
  8. Catou

    Shipping from New Zealand to Canada

    Hi all, I need to ship a container of household items from New Zealand. Has anyone got recommendations for shipping companies from first-hand experience please?
  9. Catou

    Foreign Service - Strike?

    For those that are interested, here's the PAFSO bargaining issues and proposals. It doesn't take a genius to realise they have solid reasons for this strike. http://www.pafso.com/uploads/File/Collective_Bargaining_Issues_and_Proposals-EN.pdf
  10. Catou

    Spousal sponsorship

    Two tips I wished someone had told me in the early stages of living together after a LDR: 1. No matter how well you know someone long-distance, living together is when you really get to know each other. Don't make presumptions about each other. 2. Don't let communication slip. Long distance you...
  11. Catou

    IMM 1344 questions - help!

    Thanks Sweden. With adding extra pages to provide additional information to particular questions, should I make a note on the form itself (such as: see page xy) or prepare a table of contents for the application and specify things like, "page xy: Additional information relating to IMM 1344 Q.8"...
  12. Catou

    Common law or Conjugal? Pls help!

    You could but it might not help you much. Without evidence to prove you have been living together in Greece it would be really hard for you to prove that the relationship is genuine and that marriage wasn't undertaken just for immigration. Without that evidence its very likely that an...
  13. Catou

    Common law or Conjugal? Pls help!

    This is right. You need to live together as a couple in an exclusive, committed relationship for at least a year and have plenty of evidence to prove your relationship. Then you can think about sponsoring her. It's not a quick process though and depending on processing times at the time you...
  14. Catou

    IMM 1344 questions - help!

    Help please! Q. 8 b) asks the sponsor to provide the date on which (you) were married or entered into the common-law relationship. We were in a common-law relationship for ten years and married earlier this year. Does the sponsor put in the date of the marriage (and possibly mislead CIC into...
  15. Catou

    NZ Police Clearance

    Thank you :-) I hear what you are saying about over-thinking! I'm so bad now that I am dreaming this application whenever I close my eyes. It would help if the forms and/or instructions were clear and specific. Aaarrgghhhh!!!
  16. Catou

    NZ Police Clearance

    I'm confused by the NZ police clearance. When it asks us to state where the application will FIRST be submitted are we supposed to put Mississauga or "overseas processing office"? The whole application goes to Mississauga but really the applicant's part is only dealt with in Australia so I'm...
  17. Catou

    Confused over process for application - spouse sponsorship Quebec

    Hehe, I am finding that most of the panel doctors in New Zealand are confused. It seems dazed and confused are normal states when dealing with CIC ;) Thanks for the advice, Sweden. I think I have found a not-quite-so-confused panel doctor now.
  18. Catou

    Thread For applications Through SYDNEY (AUSTRALIA) Office

    Hi all, I'm confused by the NZ police clearance. When it asks us to state where the application will FIRST be submitted are we supposed to put Mississauga or "overseas processing office"? The whole application goes to Mississauga but really the applicant's part is only dealt with in Australia...
  19. Catou

    My Bf's refugee claim was denied!!I need HELP ASAP!!!

    Take my advice as you see fit, but I suggest that you do NOT marry this man. If you can prove your relationship satisfactorily you could apply to sponsor him as your common-law partner. However, it seems you need to learn a lot more about Turkey before you believe everything you have been told...
  20. Catou

    Applying for Spouse Visa " Need Help"

    It sounds like you have completed it correctly. I've double-checked against my application. The Principal Applicant is your husband, you are the sponsor, the sponsor's forms must be completed by you.