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  1. Tipha

    Question about emails with embassy anyone ever get weird answers?

    I come from a visa exempt country and every time i visited my husband, i had to talk to an officer at the immigration desk when entering AND leaving the country, so it was for sure on records. I was told to report back at the immigration when i leave cause i have to leave, youre not allowed to...
  2. Tipha

    Did I completely screw up my application?? Crossing Canada border with outland

    The Border officer wasnt wrong in everything she said but of course she cant cancel it! what she ment i think is the office could refuse it based on her note if they think its a reason or together with other reasons, she seemed just very strict and tried to scare you more than needed for sure...
  3. Tipha

    Got a problem with hiding true information about relationship

    From now be honest to them, explain all in your application! be as honest as possible. Your chances are much higher if you explain all this than letting them get suspicious about it in the first place or raise any flags. Attach an extra sheet if theres no space to write the whole explanation...
  4. Tipha

    Got a problem with hiding true information about relationship

    You could have said "boyfriend/girlfriend", thats what i did, although we knew we wanted to get married but we werent clear yet when and where, i came for 3 weeks to visit. He IS my partner, it would have been way too wrong and not the truth to just refer to him as friend or dear friend and even...
  5. Tipha

    CALLING ALL VIENNA OFFICE APPLICANTS (including those who transferred from BER)

    My file got done in Vienna, We applied in May 2012 and the file got transfered to Vienna in July 2012 and got my COPR in September 2012, so it took less than 3 months for me to get COPR from there. But i know theres not many that get processed that fast.....I think included with me it were maybe...
  6. Tipha

    Bedroom pictures ! Stupid or good idea?

    I think such pictures are only for the couple and no one else. Me as wife, i would be extremely mad at my husband if he would send or show such pics to anyone! I think there are better proves for a real relationship than that as some here already mentioned and it proves actually nothing really...
  7. Tipha


    I can only say i had a reply really fast, but that was after i received my COPR, there was some info wrong on it and i wrote them 2 emails about it and got twice a fast reply like the next day, might be that they just did that cause the case was kinda done and its important cause the info has to...
  8. Tipha


    It worked in my case well, my case got done fast, i dont really had much other option back then. Plus me explaining stuff on it handwritten can only be done by me....they can compare my hand writing to the other papers since there was some that you still had to fill out by hand, plus only me...
  9. Tipha

    After Landing: Share Your Experiences

    I landed almost 2 months ago, we got me my SIN pretty fast and i applied since then to a lot of jobs! Right before Christmas and i never expected it, since its usually difficult before the holidays, i got a job interview but still waiting on getting an appointment with them......But at least it...
  10. Tipha


    I copied and pasted the most important sites of our facebook, like our status change to married and the comments on it and pics we posted up and some conversations of family and friends, whatever was important and suppports our story and ya sure took some time to sort out the most important...
  11. Tipha


    Mine was just showing town and Canada, also my ecase went from "App. received" to right away "DM", i never had or saw the "in process". But ya either way when the canadian address appears on the other side (full address or only town/country) its always a good sign.
  12. Tipha


    They wont say the whole address, only town, province and country. And ya its a good sign! congrats! Also congrats to everyone else that got good news!
  13. Tipha


    Congrats to this little step!!! :-) finally at least this is done. Im sure you get your COPR in time!
  14. Tipha


    Yes thats just it, theres is just this Appendix C, its a form that you fill out, just your data and to which CIC office it goes. That you take to the panel physician, he keeps it and you get this other form of him/her after that you send in with your papers. Its the same that i did back in march...
  15. Tipha


    Hmm thats weird its not on the downloads, cause when we downloaded and printed the papers, there was one piece of paper to fill out for the medical to take to the doctor (you need to fill out your dates and to which office in canada the medical has to go to), he keeps that and gives you this...
  16. Tipha

    Please, sponsors, take responsibility for the choice YOU made.

    Im not a sponsor, i agree with it though. Even as sponsored applicant i tried to make sure, my husband is who he really is, nothing worse than to discover a different person later on than the one you believed knowing well enough. Of course you never have a guarantee. But mainly both are...
  17. Tipha


    I guess like sweden the physician might be confused :-P lol i dont know. But yes if you do your papers fresh, the first time, you do the medical exam BEFORE you send all papers, cause you will receive a copy from your physician, that you send with your papers to CIC. They need that to see you...
  18. Tipha


    Yes that could be a good sign :-) especially once the current home address changes to the canadian one, then you know "DM" should be there or coming soon and COPR will be issued soon too. Finally something is happening with your case! And congrats to everyone else that had good news!!!!
  19. Tipha


    Congrats nole73!!!! :-) And sponsor approval in 6 days???? im stunned, and its unbelievable then that others waited so dam long for theirs.....
  20. Tipha

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Re: Love or Opportunity? Actually it was a good experience, i had no waiting line and all took like maybe 15 min....I showed my passport and COPR at the border control, got directed to the immigration desk behind it, had to sign my COPR, no questions were ask, except the nice lady there asked...