Go for Uni of Ottawa & Concordia
Visit websites of uni's to chk the degree requirements, usually u need IELTS, motivation letter, CV , recomendation letters and application fee to apply for the programme
Don't completely depend on Alberta, if you really wanna go then also apply in other uni's
Am having 88% didn't got the admission in MEng. I know it was due to the minimum number of available seats but you can get an idea that probablty of gettin inn there is not that high
yup but we also don't desrve such delayed results ,,, We hav paiD them n we should begin our classes on tym (they wasted our plans & tym)
Jsay dna ha visa dain wrna farigh krain !!!
Enfield, I have been accepted at University of Regina (Canada) for MEng in Fall 2012. I intentionally miss the Fall term to complete my MS in Electrical Engineering from my home country. Now I am going to start MEng from Winter 2013 term in UoRegina (medical done, waiting visa). What should be...