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  1. EVIL007

    Backlogs affect ADmission

    IT DEPENDs UPON YOUR overall profile, share you details
  2. EVIL007


    A strong SOP might help your case. Share you profile. each and every detail , ill give u some points to add in your SOP
  3. EVIL007


    I think this is mistake u have done, u should not have mentioned that u r currently course in India. The fact that u r leaving ur studies in between might had given impression that u r non-serious student . That is why they have mention " purpose of visit " because they doubt that ur real...
  4. EVIL007

    Guidelines for SOP

    for anyone who need it
  5. EVIL007

    Queries !!!

    If u r applying for first time, apply under SPP, just google SPp checklist, u will get all details and list of documents. And yes try to apply before 1 APril
  6. EVIL007


    Did u mention that u r currently pursuing b.tech in ur visa application.
  7. EVIL007

    Admission to Universities

    You are right. Minimum percentage for applying is 60 % or first class. And these 2 are good universities. I don't think that u will get admission in these universities.
  8. EVIL007

    How to write a Strong SOP? SOP helpline :)

    I am gald that it helped you.
  9. EVIL007

    Does MEng courses require research experience? work experience vs research paper

    What i have learn is that canadian universities generally give more weightage to academics. Rest its luck, apply and see it if get in.
  10. EVIL007

    2nd Attempt for Study Permit (Chances)

    Okay. Do one thing, get letter of support from your university in which u have applied, ask them to write that Mr. Xxxx is a bonafida student and we have offer him admission after carefully assessing his application. His previous study and work experience is completely revelant to our program...
  11. EVIL007

    2nd Attempt for Study Permit (Chances)

    Your profile is good, u can't understand why they refused ur application first time. In which field u were working In which sector if MBA did u applied for ?
  12. EVIL007

    Does MEng courses require research experience? work experience vs research paper

    Research experience doesn't matter much while applying for M.ENg program because generally it is a course based program. But your low percentage might hamper ur chances for getting admission. Apply anyway and hope for the best.
  13. EVIL007

    What are the chances to get into UBC?? Mechanical engg. MaSC

    It is tough to get admission into MaSc even in average university. You need to secure supervisor for MaSc . contact professor of UBC of your respective s Department, if someone agrees to accept you under their supervision, then apply else no benefit of applying
  14. EVIL007

    Reg:student visa

    Seems to be a fair reason. Explain it in SOP and attach all proofs.
  15. EVIL007

    Reg:student visa

    yes man, 2 years gap can be a problem for visa from my perspective. I would advice you to cover it somehow. U have to explain it in SOP tHAT what were you doing during these two years with proof. If u were idle, then it is not gonna help. COVER UR GAP BROTHER SOMEHOW
  16. EVIL007

    Guidelines for SOP

    Introduction (about 100 words) 1. How you got interested in this field; 2. Some childhood memories that link you to the current interest – like a Mechanical engg would open up car to see what was inside them that made them run so fast, or either of the parent was in same profession, or your...
  17. EVIL007

    Got offer letter from Concordia University Quebec for May 2015? Anyone also up?

    hey I have also offer letter of concordia university for may-2015 session. I have applied for visa with these things only GIC + FIRST year tution fee + 3 lakhs saving , nothing else. With these attach ITR return of ur parents as a souce of constant income.
  18. EVIL007

    How to write a Strong SOP? SOP helpline :)

    Introduction (about 100 words) 1. How you got interested in this field; 2. Some childhood memories that link you to the current interest – like a Mechanical engg would open up car to see what was inside them that made them run so fast, or either of the parent was in same profession, or your own...
  19. EVIL007

    Admission in university

    Overall 6.5, 6 in each
  20. EVIL007

    University of Ottawa-no mails from University

    Once your all documents reaches them,they will take 4-6 weeks for decision. Try to call them on monday for more detials.