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  1. M

    Effective date of Bill C24

    Housewives / homemakers will appear as dependents on someone else's income tax return. I mentioned this in a previous post. The suspicious people will be those with 0 income who are nobodies dependents. CRA rules dictate you can only claim someone as a dependent for the most part of they reside...
  2. M

    Effective date of Bill C24

    Well what is a Canadian of convenience? It's someone who is using his/her Canadian citizenship for purposes other than residing in Canada. I think the governments logic is that if someone is unhappy in Canada they want to spend as little time here as possible and they are in effect trying to...
  3. M

    Dual Citizenship

    My nephew was just born in Canada. Wife is American, Dad is South African and German, he is all 4.
  4. M

    Status of Child born in Canada

    Funny thing about a child being born to non-citizen parents in Canada. My colleague is here on a skilled work permit so is his wife. They have private insurance to cover OHIP and have been living here for 5 years. The hospital would not treat her for pregnancy unless she produced proof she was...
  5. M

    Dual Citizenship

    To retain your South African citizenship you must apply for permission ahead of obtain another citizenship to do so. No special action is required from the British or Canadian side of things. I don't know why you would care to maintain your South African citizenship but subject to consular...
  6. M

    Different citizenship benefits

    Just to elaborate on the PR problem. PRs are the real second-class citizens. They pay taxes, cannot vote (not even municipally), cannot run for public office, cannot get a Canadian passport and are subject to residency requirements. If you are a PR who leaves Canada for work while working for a...
  7. M

    Oath Timeline after test at St. Clair Office

    Why do you think he is racist? I'm white and he made me wait 3.5 years for my citizenship application. Let's not go overboard here.
  8. M

    2011 and 2012 Applicants

    Lawyers cannot help you. I hired them paid thousands it is a complete waste of money. If you have no progress after bill C24 goes into effect reapply with your tax returns.
  9. M

    Effective date of Bill C24

    This is an argument about economics and like you said applies to most western nations. I really don't see how this is at all relevant to Bill C24.
  10. M

    Effective date of Bill C24

    You argument is a little bit self-contradictory. Yes wait times are lower, but at the same time residence requirements are higher so I think those two factors off-set that time frame uncertainty. I'd be a LOT happier knowing that in 12 months or less I get my citizenship as opposed to someone...
  11. M

    Effective date of Bill C24

    I think everyone here is completely missing the point. Everyone is all hung about about this extra year of physical presents you need and are completely ignoring the fact that wait times are 2 years for standard applications and 3 years for "non-routine". What is the point of applying after 3...
  12. M

    2011 and 2012 Applicants

    That makes your case just a month younger than mine and I just got my oath. Your situation is harder to judge because you didn't have the test/interview so it hard to tell where you are at.
  13. M

    Effective date of Bill C24

    I don't think anyone is "limiting" choices. The government is talking about intent. They are saying don't take citizenship if you never INTEND on staying. The world is not a perfect place. There are MANY useless born-Canadians who leach off the social welfare system and don't pay into the...
  14. M

    St. Clair Office - Transfer RQ Recipients Waiting for Oath

    Obviously I feel your pain. I just read post about someone who applied February 2015 and is already getting their oath in April. My original plan was to withdraw my application when the new rules come into effect and apply with my tax returns. I'll give you my impressions based on ATIP reports...
  15. M

    Effective date of Bill C24

    I think the same rules should apply both to naturalized Canadians as well as native Canadians. The problem is that you cannot legally take away the citizenship of someone who only has 1 citizenship and make the individual stateless. Really it boils down to intent. A born Canadian had no way of...
  16. M

    Free movement proposed between Canada, New Zealand, U.K, Australia

    The relationship we have we the US under the NAFTA program (TN visa) is pretty good. However it could be a LOT better. The idea that I could pack up and work in the UK/Australia/NZ without a visa would be great too.
  17. M

    Effective date of Bill C24

    The government will not nor should they stop people from moving. However they should take steps reduce the number of people who obtain citizenship and do not contribute to the Canadian economy. This should include the following: Only awarding citizenship to people who are actually residing in...
  18. M

    Effective date of Bill C24

    What you are saying doesn't make sense. Back to Lebanon it has an unemployment rate of 10% by contrast Canada's is only 6.6%. That would suggest it's easier to get a job in Canada than in Lebanon. South Africa's which was also mentioned has a 25% unemployment rate. Canada beats out most of the...
  19. M

    Effective date of Bill C24

    It wouldn't very politically correct to only target people from a specific country. Besides I have no doubt there are many South African Canadians who acquired their citizenship and then went straight back Cape Town hoping to return should the ANC decide to nationalize their condos.
  20. M

    Effective date of Bill C24

    So the obvious question is: What are you doing here? If your home country makes you so much happier why remain in Canada? Kind of irrational to be permanently residing someplace where you would rather be elsewhere don't you think?