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  1. N

    American married to a Canadian.

    If you're comparing costs, consider that the open work permit will cost you an additional $255 in fees, compared to the outland process which will allow you to begin working within the same time period for "free". Although that is still less than the cost of two round-trip tickets from Calgary...
  2. N

    John MacCallum - Recent Interview on canadianimmigrant.ca

    That would be nice, but I'm still concerned this was never even on their radar. When this "immediate" thing was first brought up, it was clear from the wording in the liberal platform that they were referring to Condition 51...
  3. N

    Can the applicant I'm sponsoring sign a scan of a document

    Instead of scanning the page, try printing to a file. On the Print screen, where you select which printer to use, there may be options such as "PDF writer" or "XPS writer". This will create a file identical to what would be sent to the printer, so it should be impossible to identify it as...
  4. N

    Should I stay or should I go?

    After researching for a year, I still feel that way. Anyway, the most important takeaway at this point is that you almost definitely should apply as outland, not inland. Meaning start from this page, not this one. The reason for not choosing inland is that for US applicants, the wait time will...
  5. N

    Canada/US Taxes???

    For the part of the year he wasn't in Canada, he only needs to report income from Canadian sources. http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/newcomers/#whtr
  6. N

    No wedding photos?

    Why do you think pictures should be taken just because it's the best thing to happen? Couldn't you say the same about the moment of engagement? But here in Canada many people get engaged privately and don't take pictures. Is it such a stretch to imagine that some people, especially people from...
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    Well, in 2014, I would have thought an immigration application from USA to Canada would have consisted of little more than a series of signatures granting permission to access various records, and be processed within a month or two. At this moment, the only thing that would surprise me is if CIC...
  8. N


    Well I got an RCMP record request. Is this a real sign of activity, though? Since it's required after 6 months of residing in Canada, I thought it might be an automatic timed message.
  9. N

    Joint account

    The geniuses at Scotiabank decided that when you opt out of receiving paper statements in the mail, they'll stop giving you real bank statements altogether. Every other bank allows you to access the statements online to print out, but with Scotia you can only view a list of transactions with no...
  10. N

    Importing vehicle as settler before PR

    Well you have 45 days to finish the import process (inspection and registration) from when you start it at the border, and during that time the Canadian is allowed to drive it. Yeah, not only did they let us, it was their idea. No tax, just the RIV fee of $195 + HST. We also filled out the rest...
  11. N

    Importing vehicle as settler before PR

    Update on this: Just got the letter in the mail yesterday that my wife is approved for NB Medicare. We exported the car in September, installed daytime lights, got the inspection and registration done in October, then applied for health care with passport, B4 and registration as supporting...
  12. N

    extremely negative rant.. consider yourself warned!

    You might also want to look into working for Rogers Communications or any major bank's call center. What makes or breaks a CSR is how they handle a lack of knowledge. I think part of the problem is that this "tell them what we can do, not what we can't do" line is drilled into them, and it's...
  13. N

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    The 72-hour line is true. The rule is that the vehicle can't enter Canada. When the officer told you you don't have to "wait", he probably meant that you don't need to stay in the US or leave the car at the border, but the car itself does need to be somewhere in the US at the time the papers are...
  14. N

    Is Outland sponsorship submittingOttawa visa office only for U.S. citizen?

    The CIC phone reps are even more likely to give bad information. In your position I would still be worried that the file was sent to the wrong office, because this is not standard procedure at all. They could have been guessing.
  15. N


    I think normally something from over 5 years ago can be forgiven through applying here: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/rehabil.asp But as the letter says, they aren't eligible for this, because even though 16 years have passed since the offense, five years "since you...
  16. N

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    On the topic of choosing your words at the border: On two occasions my American wife was asked where she lives. Once she gave her state as the answer, and my province the other time. In both cases, the officer seemed unhappy with the answer and indicated that the opposite was what they wanted to...
  17. N

    Barcode pages on top of application??

    At the top of the instruction page, it says "this application package includes..." and lists both the sponsorship and PR forms. So if CIC is using their terminology consistently, I agree "package" should mean all of it. On the other hand, the processing is split between Mississauga for...
  18. N

    Action against CIC? (Legal or otherwise)

    So you're suggesting the difference in processing times is based on the potential contribution the applicant would give in return. While that theory might hold if you just compare work permits to visitors, it doesn't add up overall. Skilled worker applications have processing times as bad or...
  19. N

    Action against CIC? (Legal or otherwise)

    I agree it's probably not fair to compare different countries' immigration systems, but again I can't get behind the idea that Canada is slow because it's being cautious about who gets benefits. Consider that work permits are processed about ten times faster than family sponsorship applications...
  20. N

    Action against CIC? (Legal or otherwise)

    But there are cultural differences too. In the US, there is a lot of pride in being what they consider the best country in the world, regardless of what the actual differences are, and a stronger attitude against people gaining benefits that they "don't deserve". And Canada is a place that is...