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  1. N

    PR-American Filing US Taxes from Canada

    Well a TFSA wouldn't be offered by your employer, you'd just take a full paycheck and deposit what you want into your own account if that was your choice. But yes it is safe to accept an RRSP in the sense that you won't need to report it to IRS until you withdraw (same as a US retirement plan).
  2. N

    PR-American Filing US Taxes from Canada

    US taxes on these will not necessarily outweigh the benefit to Canadian taxes. Your interest is taxed as a regular savings account would be, but since most of your Canadian employment income will be tax-free in the US (see Form 2555-EZ), the tax rate is probably less than it would be in Canada...
  3. N

    should i change last name and address in the passport

    You can update your passport while your application is in process and let them know, but I'm not sure if this would be better or worse than waiting and changing your name in Canada. How much it delays your application depends on your visa office.
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    URGEND!!! IMM 008 Implied status visitor but Question 10!!!

    My understanding of implied status is that your extension application is considered approved until it's rejected, so you should use the "to" date that you requested (page 3 of IMM5708) because that's what it would be if you were approved. Or you could change the selection from "Visitor" to...
  5. N

    *NEW* 2015 Outland Spreadsheet - UNLOCKED

    It looks like some of the formula cells are empty (the "No of days since X" ones). But once those are fixed, it would be safe to leave them locked too.
  6. N

    should i change last name and address in the passport

    Backup for the name change will need to be given to the passport office. In the case of marriage, a marriage certificate is usually all that's needed. For other reasons, you would need to go through another application first to receive some other kind of certificate (like a birth certificate)...
  7. N

    should i change last name and address in the passport

    Listen to this person. If the applicant (the one being sponsored) wants to change their name, then it is best to do this first and update the passport. The name on the passport attached to the application is what will determine your Canadian identification, which would be a bigger hassle to...
  8. N

    Do I (US visitor) owe Canadian taxes?

    OP is talking about income earned from working for a US company online while living in Canada. The exclusion won't apply in the US because it's not foreign to the US, and Canada doesn't have this exclusion (it has exempt foreign income but this doesn't qualify)... so it's taxed by both countries.
  9. N

    Do I (US visitor) owe Canadian taxes?

    Bottom line is you don't stop paying US taxes when you become a resident of Canada. The tax credit reimburses you for them, but only up to the lesser amount between US and Canadian taxes. So if your tax rate is lower in Canada, you still end up paying more in US taxes.
  10. N

    Do I (US visitor) owe Canadian taxes?

    Not true for US citizens as they are taxed regardless of residency. Once they are Canadian residents, they WILL be double taxed, but can claim the foreign tax credit on the Canadian side to offset US taxes paid.
  11. N

    Should residency obligations be stricter?

    The number one reason for denied sponsorship is fraud/misrepresentation, but the number one reason for denied work permits is simple ineligibility. So even though there are more refusals for work permits, that doesn't mean it's more risky for someone attempting to take advantage of the system...
  12. N

    Should residency obligations be stricter?

    That's assuming their applications have cover pages stating "I don't plan on living in Canada right away", allowing them to be skipped up front. Otherwise, filtering these out would take more resources than it saves. In reality, I think these applications are being skipped, but it takes time to...
  13. N

    Why is Courier service better than over the normal post service?

    Where are you mailing from and to?
  14. N

    question about bank accounts

    Most banks list CIC documents IMM1442 or IMM5292 as acceptable identification. Example: https://www.rbcroyalbank.com/onlinebanking/bankingusertips/currentid.html IMM1442 is a visitor record, and IMM5292 is COPR. So it will be no problem to open a bank account. Getting credit on the other hand...
  15. N

    Need ideas how to empty house in one day before moving to Canada

    Well, I just wanted to warn to be aware of the full cost of the options, and not assume the low loonie is a free bonus. There's a reason Canadians will drive hours across the border, eating the cost of gas and hotel stays just to shop in the US and still come out ahead, even today. I actually...
  16. N

    Need ideas how to empty house in one day before moving to Canada

    Because that 25% is 25 cents in US money. Imagine if we were at $1 = $0.50 US. We would need 2 loonies to make $1 US, or in other words a 100% difference, not 50%. At $0.75, we need $1.33. Well there are costs and hassle associated with buying a new car too, not to mention selling the old one...
  17. N

    Need ideas how to empty house in one day before moving to Canada

    It's an extra 33% (25 cents US = 33 Canadian), but car prices in Canada are so marked up that this still isn't worth it in many cases. I did some quick checking and it looks like the average asking price of a 2009 Civic in the US, converted to CAD, is still about C$350 less than the price in...
  18. N

    Is upfront medical a must?

    CIC would need to be aware of the situation. If they request something, they will expect it by a given date, and can refuse the application if they don't receive anything. However even if you can't do X-rays, I don't think there is any reason not to do the exam. I believe the doctor can skip or...
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    I don't know exactly when the form was updated, but I know it was later than the 9th.
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    Flights to Canada - Transit Experience

    Google Flights also has a lot of filters. You can search by specific airline, alliance, time, and connections. So for example you could exclude Jeddah and JFK (under More, click the X next to them in the list of airports).