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  1. cafelatte02


    Congrats on your docs request from POS s_spence! Not because they are requesting to resubmit some forms that your immigration associate didn't do her job properly. I was asked to resubmit shed A IMM5669 for my husband along with the originals of both birth and wedding certificates, plus a...
  2. cafelatte02


    Good Monday evening Jam Fam! Congrats to people who received good news, interview included that means that you are very close to be reunited with your spouse. Good thing that you can be a part of it, that is awesome :) Jessie we are all going through the same crisis period. This process is...
  3. cafelatte02


    Hey Mel, if they are working on your eligibility it is really good, not even a year yet! Stay positive and everything should work out just fine. Mr cafelatte will be welcoming Mr MelJam upon his arrival, man to man with an newly immigrant perspective you know. We are basically neighbors lol! It...
  4. cafelatte02


    Lol! It's the same for all of us I think, I make my colleagues jump because I screamed like I won millions at the lottery, mission impossible to focus after such a news! You'll have hubby home for Halloween, trick or treat? Definately a treat, a sweet, sweet one :P
  5. cafelatte02


    Yayyyyy! Another Family reunion that is awesome!!!!!! Congratulation ;D
  6. cafelatte02


    Congrats Jamgirl !!!!! Finaly our turn comes! 17, 19, 20 months that is almost two years, but it is sooooooo worth it at the end. Soon reunited with your spouse hun! ;D
  7. cafelatte02


    Whoooohoooooo Sammy girl, two weeks too for you guys! October is our month!!!!! Sooooo happy for you and your family, you'll all be together in few days, can you believe it!!! :P I finished earlier today, on my way home to my man's (husband and son) and for my hubby's twin bro too, he drove...
  8. cafelatte02


    Congrats Calgariancanuck, your beautiful girls will soon be home with you!!!!!! First POS PP return, and it is you guys, that's great!!!! ;D Keep us posted, wishing you a speedy end of process.
  9. cafelatte02


    Congrats on PPR jojrob1!!!! Do not wait any longer, send it right away, same day if possible! Very happy for you two ;D Start looking for flights and get ready for ECAS and DHL tracking system stalking symptoms lol! :P
  10. cafelatte02


    C'est sur! E vous a bien apprécié tous les deux et trouve Ceyon humble et très sympathique, je crois qu'ils vont bien s'entendre ces deux là, je suis bien contente que nous habitions proche ;D
  11. cafelatte02


    Hey Maty, it would be nice but I really doubt it. My husband didn't get to talk to his Jamaican friends as of yet but your message intrigate my hubby so you can PM me so that we find out if they've worked together or lived in the same community. Have a good night.
  12. cafelatte02


    Whoop whoop Crystal Champagne and confettis!!!! So happy for you gal! We are patient, it is hard and when it finaly happens it is sweet I tell u! Three times more for you, baby gal and the little one coming!!!!! (Do you know if it's a baby girl or boy?). Starts stalking DHL and look for flights...
  13. cafelatte02


    Good morning Jam Fam, thank you all for your sweet messages, blessings and all it is truly warming up our hearts Mr cafelatte02 and I :-* Congrats to everyone that received great news, seems like not only Kingston but POS is now working hard to get our spouse home for Christmas. We owe you a...
  14. cafelatte02


    Good morning Jam Fam! Hubby and I are at Sangster's airport in Mo Bay waiting for our flight to Montreal!!!! ;D 8) :P 8) ;D We were meeting our Jam Fam friends Mr & Mrs THOR, Brown, and MelJam when they told me we could acces wifi at Margaritaville, after many attempts on DHL and ECAS during...
  15. cafelatte02


    Oh my, so much going on the the forum today! Jah Canadian big congrats to you and hubby for getting the passport back with the brand new shiny visa in it, that was fast! Truly happy for you. I'm in my hectic departure preps, hubby and I are so excited we can't wait to see each other! In the mean...
  16. cafelatte02


    900$ per package. So 1800 JMD total. My hubby paid in MoBay but I think it's the same across the Island. Make him bring more just in case.
  17. cafelatte02


    Hey Sammy, it's 900 JMD. Guess it would be 2000 and we would still be happy to pay it lol!
  18. cafelatte02


    HGM congrats for the new shiny visa, it was quick Thank God!!!!! Sammy your time has come at last, so happy for you girl!!!!! See everyone, Kingston is on a roll every patient Jam Fam member will be rewarded ;D
  19. cafelatte02


    Good morning Jessie, I go so often to check the ECAS that I saved it in my favorite ;) Here is the direct link you can use: https://services3.cic.gc.ca/ecas/security.do?app=ecas You select immigration file number and you put your hubby F********* number then Family name DOB and country and...
  20. cafelatte02


    I sent you girls a suggestion on FB regarding our GT on Mel's event page. Go have a look and let us know what you think. Still in process but I'm confident that it will very soon change to decision made ;)