Good morning Jam Fam, thank you all for your sweet messages, blessings and all it is truly warming up our hearts Mr cafelatte02 and I :-*
Congrats to everyone that received great news, seems like not only Kingston but POS is now working hard to get our spouse home for Christmas.
We owe you a landing story, here it is as promised. Last time I post, we we're boarding our direct flight to Montreal. What a feeling to be able to pass the security TOGETHER, no more painfull separations! The Mr is right beside me as I write, he can give me his insights

Hand in hand we got upstairs to do bit of extra duty free shopping (after the Magnum and Rum cream stocks lol!). Escalators give a bit of challenge to hubby, it made us both laughing. Then we went to have a nice breakfast at air Margaritaville, hubby whatched football while I was reading the posts on the forum and writing to you guys. After it was boarding sent you my message right before we board so you basically get to travel with us.
The flight went super well, I had booked option plus, so we had sparkling wine, blankets, meal and drinks to make it even nicer. Hubby had the window seat to see the take off and he was overwelmed with feelings (finally got there after this long waiting, travelling with wife, on my way to my new home, seeing sweet JA becoming smaller thinking until we see again. He was amazed that we were flying even higher than the clouds

) His first flight experience went like a charm, except the last 20 minutes of landing preparations, loosing altitude gave him a lot of eardrums pain, even if a gave him gum, make him swallow and all. This anoying incomfort last all day and all night and was top shape Monday morning. After landing there was lots of flights at the customs, so it was a bit long. Then we had go through immigration and it took forever we weren't the only ones, we had to wait for almost 2 1/2 to see both Canada and Quebec officers. They were all nice to hubby and once called, it took about 20 minutes total and were off to the exit. We had a big welcoming party at the arrivals, my sisters, my brother's in law, niece, nephew waiting for us with balloons, flowers, winter coat for my husband, it was really nice. It was cold outside 7 degrees, but he didn't freak out he knew what to expect.
I was working yesterday, he spent the day with my son who showed him the surrounding, finished earlier to meet them, grossery, diner and stuff and took a day off today to solve the paper work, buy him a winter coat, winter boots and gear of his choosing and all.
We are happy, truly blessed, ready to face anything together because our love is strong.
Bless you all Jam Fam, wish you all good news and happy ending. We've waited more than 19 months to be reunited, we know we'll have many more challenge to face, but in the end I tell you it is all worth it!