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  1. JGM613

    Manila Tread for English Speakers - join here!

    Thank you!! It's feels like such a weight has.been removed!! I started writing emails in early February to three different *MPs...expiring meds and the fact CEM was ignoring our requests for information.. I hope. All of us can get on with our lives sooner than later!! The way I see it..if...
  2. JGM613

    Manila Tread for English Speakers - join here!

    An email from the MP assistant received this morning PH time indicated that Mrs JGMs visa had actually been shipped last Friday...at that time ECAS only showed IN PROCESS..it wasn't until Monday afternoon PH time that it showed DM.. I guess it's fast as possible for them once they getthey're act...
  3. JGM613

    Manila Tread for English Speakers - join here!

    Step..the UCI for the applicant is generated when the file for Permanent Residency is created...about the same time that the Sponsor gets they're assigned number. If it's important you can probably get it from the CIC call center..
  4. JGM613

    Manila Tread for English Speakers - join here!

    Sorry to see this..I'm sure the relief is indescribable!! Shaking my head!! Happy for you that you can get on with your lives!!
  5. JGM613

    Manila Tread for English Speakers - join here!

    Woo hooo!!! That's great news!! Congrats!!
  6. JGM613

    Manila Tread for English Speakers - join here!

    Thanks Step!! It is great news..And kind of shocked at how itall came together.. I'm still using a phone..I'll share soon the story of the MPs..
  7. JGM613

    Manila Tread for English Speakers - join here!

    Right..thanks..she just needs the sticker..she did the seminar last Spring..she can get it at Terminal One on her way out..it's on the list of things to do! Thanks well review the COPR and check with Cathay ..they have a fare for first time immigrants.. It's all pretty fresh..but we'll get...
  8. JGM613

    Manila Tread for English Speakers - join here!

    They're all the same no matter what political stripe they wear.. It's a pathetic introduction to life in Canada for our new arrivals! I know I'm not finished with this process by any means but I know for starters the Conservatives will NEVER receive any vote from me for the rest of my life!!
  9. JGM613

    Manila Tread for English Speakers - join here!

    Decision Made today!! :) :) :) :) :) Waiting for COPR and I know what's for dessert at Easter!!!
  10. JGM613

    Manila Tread for English Speakers - join here!

    I'd use the premise of expiring meds and the cost involved re- doing them.. The fact that CEM ignored our request for information was what pissed me off enough to start writing letters! *Good luck Mr Peace!! Lean on them! I've seen your posts in the past questioning life in Canada..and I'll tell...
  11. JGM613

    Manila Tread for English Speakers - join here!

    The very last entry on our notes are comments about NBI appearing" clean" andsupporting documents sufficient to establish our declared marital status..and blag blah blah...the last statement says passed to VO for review...says to me that the preliminary review and PPR comes from a subordinate...
  12. JGM613

    Manila Tread for English Speakers - join here!

    Think it means likely that interview is waived but the actually Visa Officer makes the final decision on that.. The category that your application fits into is not complicated.. We basically have the same information ..A "straightforward" application without any complications.. As for why it...
  13. JGM613

    Manila Tread for English Speakers - join here!

    Gooner...do you recall how many days your ECAS was IN PROCESS before you got your DM? Or did it ever show up?
  14. JGM613

    Manila Tread for English Speakers - join here!

    Re: Get a New Pasport with her married name or not ? We submitted a clean application with her passport and all other ID showing her married name.. I'm not sure if now you need to wait for your passport request toshow them her married name Maybe someone else can answer your question.. In the...
  15. JGM613

    Manila Tread for English Speakers - join here!

    The file location isn't in the Registry..it's just a file location code that identifies where it is. We used the fact that CEM was not responsive to our request for info to justify our MP contact..and the fact that the medical was close to expiring. The ID question is a confirmation that what...
  16. JGM613

    Manila Tread for English Speakers - join here!

    We wrote to CEM in late February asking about the expiring medical..when they didn't respond to our inquiry I started writing my MP because CEM was stonewalling is..ignoring our request for information. My MP was useless and I ended up connecting with an MP from a previous address who helped...
  17. JGM613

    Manila Tread for English Speakers - join here!

    Mr Peace..like us..they've done essentially nothing on your file.. Last ones we ordered in February..indicates the same thing..not started! *You're correct about the medical dates..they're good until about a month after the submission days by the panel doctor I think..ours shows about the same...
  18. JGM613

    MAY 2013 PINOY APPLICANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That's bizarre...not to sound harsh but it doesn't make sense that they'd forward your app if your sponsor is rejected...welcome to the mysteries of CIC.. Good luck with this..I'm curious to know how it plays out for you..
  19. JGM613

    MAY 2013 PINOY APPLICANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The file won't get to Manila unless the sponsor is approved first..that much I do know.. I'm not sure if there's an appeal process for sponsorship or if you'llneed to re- apply. Did they tell you why your sponsor was rejected?.
  20. JGM613

    Manila Tread for English Speakers - join here!

    I'll have to wait to look...was trying to check current timeliness from In Process to DM...if the spreadsheets are being updated.. All I have available for the next half week is a phone..and for some reason I still can't view it..