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  1. ufa

    So close, and now this... please please please help

    I need help. I'm not sure where to go for it. I married my husband in October 2010, in Toronto, ON. He then went back to his home country, and we've been working on the sponsorship application ever since. He called me in tears today. He was supposed to send his half of the application to me...
  2. ufa

    FREE software for Filing-out and SAVING the forms

    I've seen the question a few times about saving the forms after filing them out on the computer. If you are using the free version of Adobe Acrobat (The pdf reader installed by default on most computers), as far as I know, you cannot save the forms after filing them out. There are FREE...
  3. ufa

    Two form filling questions

    There are FREE software applications you can use to fill in and SAVE fillable pdf files. I use Foxit (http://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf/reader/), it's good and small. Maybe i'll start a thread because I've seen this concern come up a few times. I also don't know how i would have filled out...
  4. ufa

    How long after you met face to face, did you get married?

    Met March 2007 No official engagement Married October 2010 We were long distance the whole time, except for a couple short visits by me and a 4 month visit by my husband (the applicant) here July - November 2010. I didn't think officially marrying would make a difference in how we felt, but the...
  5. ufa

    If you are found ineligible to sponsor, indicate whether you want...

    So, the only 'right to appeal' you give up if selecting option 'A' is the right to appeal if the sponsor is found ineligible, but you maintain the right to appeal if the applicant is later denied?
  6. ufa

    If you are found ineligible to sponsor, indicate whether you want...

    A point of clarification please: If you select A (withdraw if found ineligible to sponsor), and are found ELIGIBLE, but then the applicant is DENIED, do you have the right to appeal ?
  7. ufa

    How strict is Imm. Canada with sponsorship instructions?

    I think the important thing to note here, is that if you are having a lot of difficulties obtaining a required document, there may be ways around it (like submitting without the document initially)... but that in any case you should try to talk to the Visa Office in question FIRST, in order to...
  8. ufa

    How strict is Imm. Canada with sponsorship instructions?

    Because there is no DMP within 1200 km or so of my husband, I communicated with the Visa office regarding the med exam and they instructed to file without the med exam, and when they receive our application they will send my husband instructions and forms to take to any doctor in his home...
  9. ufa

    Accompanying or Non-Accompanying?

    Applying as accompanying seems to make more sense .. it essentially only adds $75 to the application right? How long is the permanent visa typically valid for?
  10. ufa

    IMM0008 Question

    The second question: How many family members (including yourself) are included in the application for permanent residence in Canada? Does this number include non-accompanying family members?
  11. ufa

    Accompanying or Non-Accompanying?

    My husband has 3 children with a former partner. His son is under his legal custody, and his daughters under his ex's. Although he has custody of his son, his son has often lived with other family members. We were planning on putting all 3 as non-accompanying children, with the intention of...
  12. ufa

    Non-accompanying children

    Thanks for both of your input. We will definitely get the medical done in order to keep the doors open in the future, but the med exams will happen after we submit (we got instructions from the visa office to proceed in this manner). And as the doc and both of your comments suggest, she...
  13. ufa

    Non-accompanying children

    We've been working on our application for a couple of months now. I was really hoping to submit this month, but that's doubftul now. The main reason we are delayed is because my husband is trying to 'track down' his daughter, who is living with another family. He needs her to take her to get the...
  14. ufa

    CRA Marital Status Change

    I've been married for about 1.5 months, and I'm wondering if I should also notify the CRA of my change in marital status? The form (http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pbg/tf/rc65/rc65-10e.pdf) has a space to put my husbands SIN, but obviously he doesn't have one... have others filled this form out...
  15. ufa

    Testimonials for spousal sponsorship

    Thanks for the input - anyone else want to contribute? 1. If you included testimontial or not 2. How many testimonials you included, 3. Inland/Outland, 4. married/common-law/conjugal and 5. where you are in the process.
  16. ufa

    Testimonials for spousal sponsorship

    Just wondering how common (or expected) it is to include testimonials in your spousal-application? Respond please with: If you included testimontial or not How many testimonials you included, Inland/Outland, married/common-law/conjugal and where you are in the process. Thanks!
  17. ufa

    Just sent the application! Wish me luck. (FAM/Common Law/Outland)

    Good luck! Too me, your story and application sounds rock solid... unfortunately i don't work for the CIC... We're still in the doc preparation stage and it's so frustrating - I just want until I'm in your boat where I can just sit back and wait - although I'm sure once I'm there, I won't like...
  18. ufa

    Married Name

    I'm also recently married (1.5 months) and was wondering the same thing. I wasn't sure if I wanted to take his name before, but the more I think about it, the more I want. I mean - he's leaving his country for me, I can leave my name for him eh? Problem is, I've recently gone back for graduate...
  19. ufa

    Common law and Married

    http://www.cbc.ca/video/news/audioplayer.html?clipid=1691638126 Jump ahead to 34 minutes... interesting stuff regarding common-law rights in Canada.
  20. ufa

    i am qualify to sponsor?.help!!!!!!!!

    Even if you have no income, you should still file taxes this year - it'll be really easy since everything will just be blank... then you'll have a Notice of Assessment for 2010 - in case CIC ask for an update come April or something... In fact, if you have no T4's etc, you can file first thing...