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  1. O

    Proof Of Funds

    It is the closing balance of the last month statement that matters. You need not maintain the whole amount for three months. If you are too bothered about it, just do a request to your bank to give you a reprint statement covering the whole three month range. You only submit one statement...
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    Extending 90 day period to submit all documents

    Sir, not entirely accurate. I think it is just safe to say that those who submitted after Nov/Dec 2008 would normally receive a 120day notice. Mine was a post Feb 2008 application, and i got a 60day notice.
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    Extending 90 day period to submit all documents

    The CiC has recently adopted a very strict adherence to the 60/90/120 day notices and non compliance may lead to application refusal. Your options are as follows 1. What you can do is to state your case as succinctly as possible, and fax/email your extension request to them. Do highlight any...
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    has anybody studied ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)??

    Where is the equivalency certificate from? Is it from WES? or UK NARIC? I'm not so sure Canada would accept equivalency certs from another country. You might want to check out the FCRO in canada to be certain.
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    accra applicants

    Some have gotten their PPR, and one has even gotten his passport stamped. lol
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    accra applicants

    Exactly sir, the emboldened part is the one i am most happy about. I have said many times over that applicants under the Accra office are one of the greatest beneficiaries of the new change - bill c50 rule. I know that as at 2008, Accra's quota was approx 2000visas, with about 20,000...
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    It has no bearing on the application processing time. He does not need to get the divorce certs finalised before applying. All he needs to do is to fill in on the forms that he is separated from his wife. Upon submission of full application to the visa office, he needs to attach a letter from...
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    People will always come up various scenarios of other people who got away with deceit and concealment in issues like this. All i will say is that every case is different, and to each his own. Here in the UK, i have seen cases where people have had their Indefinite Leave To Remain Visas...
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    9ja birth certificates and passport

    You would have to check with the 9ja consulate in the US for that. Do be mindful that what you want is not the Good Conduct Certificate(GCC) which Nigerian Missions are used to providing, as that is not what the CiC demands, what you really need is the Police Character Certificate(PCC). You...
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    IELTS should be made compulsory for all

    They make the rules, and we've got no choice. The chances are that even as bad as Palin was in that speech, she'd win sales pitches against say a language professor from my remote village. As dumb as President Bush was made to appear in some of his speeches, the man navigated the shark infested...
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    uk naric

    Yeah, the statement was lifted from the UKBA website. I actually saw it on the UKBA site sometime ago.
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    E-Status after sending the docs

    E-cas updates are done weekly - usually on tuesdays. If your application was delivered on the 16th(thurs), then earliest opportunity for them to update E-Cas will be the 21st or the 28th. It all depends on the internal workings of your visa office. E-cas Update does not even update for some...
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    9ja birth certificates and passport

    The easiest way is to get someone from Lagos to go pick up the forms from Alagbon, and mail them to you, you fill them in and send back to Lagos. They then mail you the certs once its ready. Very easy and simple. Some other people go thru the Nigeria High Commissions, but what most of the High...
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    Medical forms received via email??

    You do not receive medical forms via e-mail, what you get via e-mail is a notification that your medical forms have been sent out to you through the post. The medical lab will not forward your medical results to CiC without the actual forms in hardcopy. What i have said is what obtains at the...
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    accra applicants

    That's a tough one. Only Accra CiC Officers will be able to answer that precisely. You may have a look at the tracker on Trackitt. I have also read posts of someone on here who says he's received his PPR.
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    documents reaching cic office on almost the last day of the 120 days.....

    CiC has issued operational guidelines to Visa Offices regarding the strict enforcement of the 120day deadline. In the guide, they were advised to enforce the deadline very strictly, and to review all files within two weeks of the 120day deadline. Applicants with no submissions/incomplete...
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    what is up with naija applicants

    I have used DHL to send all my documents, fedex is also good - i think they've an arrangement with redstar, my sis in law uses fedex for all her runs. Your 120day letter should have a po box address for accra on it. I however opted for the physical address - High commission of Canada, 42...
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    what is up with naija applicants

    You can't really apply through the UK if you are not a UK resident. The rule(R11) says that for those applying from a country other than the country of their nationality, they need to have been legally admitted to that country for a period of not less than a year. In otherwords, if you haven't...
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    nigerian applicants

    Basically, they want proof of ties to your country of origin. Things like marital status, dependants, proof of landed properties, evidence of involvement in social activities in home country, prospects for you in home country after course completion etc. There isn't really an exclusive list of...