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  1. L

    older US citizens moving to canada

    Spending part of the year in Canada and part in the US may be the best way to go if the financial conditions exist to allow you to do that. In some border counties of the US, you can buy a hobby farm or something pretty cheap. You may be able to buy a private health insurance policy to cover you...
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    Father is being detained and we're being deported!

    Just out of curiosity, what happens if Canada tries to remove someone to the US, but the US refuses to take them?
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    Vechicle cleared at us border

    Does CBSA even require a stamp from US Customs on the title to import the vehicle to Canada? I have witnessed someone importing a vehicle at the border who didn't stop at US Customs first. The CBSA officer still appeared to process the importation paperwork.
  4. L

    older US citizens moving to canada

    That's true. But how likely is CBSA to deny entry to an older couple with adequate funds? If they maintain a permanent residence in the US, how likely are they to be denied entry? Many retired US citizens have seasonal homes in Canada. Of course, there are no guarantees trying to do it this way.
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    older US citizens moving to canada

    If you don't need to work and you don't need health insurance, you can stay in Canada for up to 6 months at a time. You could, theoretically, just drive over the border every 6 months and then come back.
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    U.S. Citizen w/ P.R. Status and final year wants to buy U.S. Car..

    Re: U.S. Citizen w/ P.R. Status and final year Medical School Bought U.S. Car.. Yes, someone with Canadian PR status who lives in the US can drive their US plated car into Canada. However, it is not always clear what your legal "home" is and in some cases you could have legal residence in both...
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    Moving back to canada from the states

    Are you a Canadian citizen? If yes, then just move--but fill out the customs form for returning residents for the things you are brining back with you. If you are not a citizen, well then the situation is more complicated.
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    Question abouit Dual Citizenship

    Any customs officer who doesn't understand the possibility that someone may be a citizen of more than one country at a time should be fired. Your right though, always use the passport of the country you are entering......
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    Misrepresentation and making a mistake are not the same thing. However, good luck trying to convince the authorities that this is all a mistake. I would hire an attorney as soon as possible.
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    US citizen returning back to Canada

    Commercial carriers may not board you on the flight if they know you are a Canadian PR, but do not have the card. But if you are flying from the US to Canada, they probably won't care. Showing your US passport does not guarantee you entry to Canada. You have to undergo an examination and they...
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    Renting after landing

    Life as an immigrant can be hard. You might want to see if you can open a bank account in Canada before landing. Some banks with branches in multiple countries will let you do that.
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    Canada Border Services near Seattle WA USA??

    ] Why in the world did they name two cities so close to one another the same thing?
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    Form B4- Personal Effects Account

    Think Ebay value when you are guesstimating how much things are worth. Its only for statistical purposes anyway. One thing, when you land, make absolutely sure the customs officer signs an stamps your B4 and any attachments. Mine didn't and it caused a world of hurt when I tried to bring in...
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    waiting for PR card

    Take your record of landing and passport with visa to the nearest Service Canada and they should issue you a social insurance number on the spot, although it will take a while to get the card in the mail. However, I wouldn't expect to land a job that quickly--unless you already have one lined...
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    landing - importing personal possessions

    Your goods should be exempt from duty and/or tax as the possessions of a settler. You need to prepare a B1 form and present it when you land. Your family's goods should be exempt as the possessions of returning citizens with some possible exceptions. Everything should be used prior to landing to...
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    Cross-Border Telecommuting???

    Thanks, I imagine the US is going to want to tax that income.
  17. L

    importing firearms when landing?

    http://www.cfc-cafc.gc.ca/factsheets/moving_e.asp See this link for more info and then check the CBSA brochure on importing firearms also. Then make sure you check the laws for each American state you drive through on the way to the border
  18. L

    Landing experience, via Road rainbow bridge, NY, USA.

    Go to the website where you check the status of your immigration application and follow the link to update your address. Enter the address of your friend or relative in Canada. CIC will send the card there. Then have your friend or relative send them to you in the states via some sort of secure...
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    US Cit, CA per res, driving FL plated car, FL drivers license, owns FL prop

    Where do you live? To use more specific language "where are you normally domiciled"? Canada or Florida? Having permanent resident status in Canada should not prevent you from driving a US plated vehicle into Canada if you don't live in Canada. You say you have a Florida DLs, do you also have a...
  20. L

    Tax on income earned abroad and not taken into Canada

    Canadian tax liability depends on residence rather than citizenship or PR status, although PR status may be one thing they take into consideration in determining your residence for tax purposes. The more important factor is whether or not you had "residential ties" with Canada when you earned...