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  1. mahharrouf

    Settlement Funds and Proof of funds, confusion

    Sorry for not mentioned. Its from Official letter that i recieved from embassy.
  2. mahharrouf

    Settlement Funds and Proof of funds, confusion

    I recieved letter from embassy for submiiting full application. I have applied at Lima,Peru office. Down is part of Settlement Funds which i'm unable to understand. Need help from you all, SETTLEMENT FUNDS: The following documents will be requested ONLY once your application is approved in...
  3. mahharrouf

    Bio data copies of passports ? Confuse

    CIC request is included , " * Travel Documents and Passports :- Copy of first 2 pages of passport for you and your spouse " I have 2 passports from defferent countries, do i need to include first 2 pages of copies from both deffernt passports or Just from Only Passport of recent country where...
  4. mahharrouf

    Request for Submit Full Application - Several Questions-Help Needed

    Hello, thanks for your reply. I have many things clear now. Just quote from your reply "4. No need of letter, you need to prove that you can get a job in Canada and establish there, not doing online business, if you have to do that, then why you want to move to Canada?" Are you sure that...
  5. mahharrouf

    application rejected as profession not in new NOC.where is my money

    Did the mention " Your Money would be Refund" ? if yes, then you may need little more wait and hop you check will arrive or you may contact them by sending email inquiry.
  6. mahharrouf

    Request for Submit Full Application - Several Questions-Help Needed

    I recieved letter from embassy for submit full application, need help and advise from you all. Official embassy letter have date of 13 feburary , while i recieved it today March 17. I'm sad quick service while my home is just 2 blocks from canadian embassy, anyhow, Letter says .. I have 90 days...
  7. mahharrouf

    Arranged employment (AEO).

    What is your profession? there is no any specific place to find one job or AEO. Placement agencies porbably best place for start, but He should not miss local classification like,new papers,local advertising etc, He can help to submit your resume etc,but for interview with employer directly...
  8. mahharrouf

    identification number

    I think identification number means your ID card, if you are national of US, then national ID card number, if you are resident , then resident ID card number and so on. I dont remember exectly, but i think ID number is (If Applicable) , so if you are on student visa or any other status only...
  9. mahharrouf

    Everyone, I need attention: I am requested for an interview for visitor visa!!!!

    How long you have been merried, where did you both get merried, its your first visit to your husband etc, i guess same this kinda questions, dont worry.... if every thing is real, then you dont need to be worry about it. One reason as my understanding call for interview is, If your husband is...
  10. mahharrouf

    Embassy in Lima - Bolivian citizens

    I have applied in Lima Embassy. My application is not at this stage that i can tell you any experience about Interview, anyhow... i know 2 applicants they got work permits , one was nany and other i think went as hotel waiter and both i know passed a Interview. Are you sponsring Him/Her? its may...
  11. mahharrouf

    Simplified Application - Should me Withdraw and submit new or keep continuo ???

    Good to know Leon, i was for several of months in Norway and know basic norwegian too, Do people from Iceland and Norway understand each other languages?
  12. mahharrouf

    Simplified Application - Should me Withdraw and submit new or keep continuo ???

    So i may write some thing in Arabic+Urdu+English+Spanish+Norwegian :)
  13. mahharrouf

    Simplified Application - Should me Withdraw and submit new or keep continuo ???

    Hi BobbyB, thanks for your reply. After reading from your and Rupesh, i stoped to think about Withdraw application. Actually, as i wrote above, i know some 2 applicants they applied after me and got request for submiting complete application, i was thinking that maybe its because of my...
  14. mahharrouf

    Simplified Application - Should me Withdraw and submit new or keep continuo ???

    Perfect Rupesshari, This is all my situation. To you "BobbyB" , when i applied "september 2008" no one knows what would be Ministerial Instructions, and that time was valid process " Simplified Application Process" , the latter of AOR was written too" we havent recieved any ministerial...
  15. mahharrouf

    Simplified Application - Should me Withdraw and submit new or keep continuo ???

    Hi BobbyB, I'm not sure till what date Simplified process was valid, but i applied in september 2008 and they told me to submit only one basic form following to "Simplified Application Process" , i think it was changed to regular after Ministerial instruction November 2008.
  16. mahharrouf

    Simplified Application - Should me Withdraw and submit new or keep continuo ???

    Hi Rupesh, Thansk for your input. I was asking because i know 2 applicants from my city, one applied in december and other applied in January and they were requested to submit complete application, even both cased are same to my case and without Arrange employment. This was one reason only, i...
  17. mahharrouf

    Simplified Application - Should me Withdraw and submit new or keep continuo ???

    I have applied in september 2008, this time simplified aplication process was the valid method and i submited only one basic form with fees. They start process my application 9 October, accourding to e-case status. I got first contact from embassy on January 15-2009, they requested for some...
  18. mahharrouf

    applcation status

    From which visa officeyou have applied? I think now under new instrucions, they are sending all applications to Sydney Office under FSW1. Wait for some one other will explain you.
  19. mahharrouf

    I have not recieved any file number

    Thanks alot Rupeshhari, I was checking on Trackitt too, there are about 7 applicants from syria and iran on Trackitt, but every one of them recieved their AOR within 2 or maximam of 3 months. In this case of Op, what you advise him, should he contact embassy by calling or email about his/her...