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  1. I

    Opinion needed from already landed folks (Esp. telecom/PM background)

    Thanks a lot clubcanada for your reply......u r absolutely rite.... :) and u r also rite abt the wording of the question......i shouldnt hv said "esp telecom or PM ppl"....... i thought may b someone frm the same field wud b able to depict a clearer pic.... :)
  2. I

    Opinion needed from already landed immigrants (Esp. telecom/PM background)

    thanks ahmed for your thought....i guess u r spot on..... :-) lets hope 4 the best........... n i guess there aren't many telecom or project management ppl here on this forum.....
  3. I

    Opinion needed from already landed folks (Esp. telecom/PM background)

    i guess we dont have many telecom or project management ppl around here.... :-)
  4. I

    Opinion needed from already landed immigrants (Esp. telecom/PM background)

    Hi Folks, I need your kind opinion about couple of queries stated below, especially from those who hv already landed and are from telecom or project management background..... about myself....I'm a telecom professional with 6 years of experience with a PMP certification as well...... i've...
  5. I

    Opinion needed from already landed folks (Esp. telecom/PM background)

    Hi Folks, I need your kind opinion about couple of queries stated below, especially from those who hv already landed and are from telecom or project management background..... about myself....I'm a telecom professional with 6 years of experience with a PMP certification as well...... i've...
  6. I

    Pakistan Applicants Waiting For *Medical Request*...

    woww...thats wht they call fast track....our cases are just like a bullet train, but with a pakistan railways engine at front .... ;)
  7. I

    Pakistan Applicants Waiting For *Medical Request*...

    Docs Sent ---> May, 2010 If possible, kindly add NOCs as well..... mine is 0213 Regards, Inam
  8. I

    Pakistan Applicants Waiting For *Medical Request*...

    Hi.....PFB my timeline.... NOC ---> 0213 Docs Req ---> Mar, 10 Docs Sent---> May,10 2nd AOR ---> Aug, 10 Kindly share your respective NOCs as well... Cheers !
  9. I

    Any good consultants to recommend in the UAE?

    well guys.... it's true that a consultant can't increase your chances...but still if someone can afford a registered consultant ( i.e. registered with CSIC ), it's better to go for it........it seems like all a consultant does is filling out forms n sending and receiving these b/w CIO/CHC and...
  10. I

    Any good consultants to recommend in the UAE?

    dude u can check the csic web page for UAE registered consultants...... https://www.csic-scci.ca/find/search.html?country=AE God Luck !
  11. I

    Join List of Pakistani Residents After 1 April 2010 CHC London

    yeah it is said by Qorax.....by if u r getting praised for re-posting the gud things in this qroax's post ....then u shud b ready 2 accept criticism for somewht controversial things as well.....thats fair eough.......... ;)
  12. I

    Join List of Pakistani Residents After 1 April 2010 CHC London

    Hi Ali Haider, Thanks for your detailed process description......but i think, towards the end (of the post i'm responding to), your tone is somewhat arrogant and against the spirit of this forum....... yes everything is available on net today......and esp these forums are very helpful....but...
  13. I

    do sumbody had E CAS status changed after 10th AUG,,plz

    mine changed to "received by VO" on 16th or 17th aug.......
  14. I

    Join List of Pakistani Residents After 1 April 2010 CHC London

    thanks buddy.......... n keep up the gud work....this forum is really helpfull ........ :)
  15. I

    Join List of Pakistani Residents After 1 April 2010 CHC London

    Hey starali..... please update my status.......i received 2nd AOR....date mentioned on the letter is 11th aug,2010......and i received it on 24th aug,2010..... BTW ..my NOC is 0213.... Cheers !
  16. I

    Join List of Pakistani Residents After 1 April 2010 CHC London

    hmmmm.....well....lets hope 4 the best....thanks a lot 4 ur help... :-)
  17. I

    Join List of Pakistani Residents After 1 April 2010 CHC London

    Good questions kamee... ! Hello all the seniors........I've the same questions/concerns....with the following addition. 3. Wht abt work experience verifications ? ...are VO supposed to call only the person who signed the experience letter ? ( as i provided the business cards of the persons who...
  18. I

    Join List of Pakistani Residents After 1 April 2010 CHC London

    Hi moderator, I'm new to this forum. Please add my details as well. Inam ur Raheem: 26th May 2010 London Recieved by VO waiting: No: No: No: Cheers !