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  1. A

    Has anybody had a visitor extension denied?

    Sounds like they tried to Walk all over you!!! The Nerve! But you were smarter, I am glad for that. So how long will the appeal process last for you? I wish you the very best!!!! A
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    Has anybody had a visitor extension denied?

    WOW! I am sure your story is somewhere here in the forum (where?), but how was it a CIC screw up? I am so curious. Thank you! A
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    Application too big?

    Hey, Immigration Canada says that the burden of proof is on you to prove your relationship, then by all means prove it, honey:)
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    a Little bit of hope!!

    I hope you love Canada:) Safe trip!
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    what exactly qualifies as social assistance

    Hi: The application doesnt leave room for extras. There is a checkmark column that you need to check YES or NO (and I am looking it at it now). It asks if you are in receipt of social assistance other than disability. and you are not, at least in a way that Immigration Canada is totally...
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    canceling sponsorship

    You can apply to OSAP (and by God I urge you to be very consciencious about spending it. It takes people at least 8-10 years to get rid of the debt!), however your husband is under the obligation to provide for you even if you are divorced, so you dont have to ask for Welfare social assistance...
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    what exactly qualifies as social assistance

    They only ask for welfare social assistance as far as I am concerned and I have filled the application recently. Nowhere do they ask about housing charges or anything. Anyone else knows anything about subsidized housing?
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    Medical Clarification

    Oh the humanity! Reading this post is quite upsetting! I shouldn't surprise me. Consulates and immigration officers are humans, capable of being mean and petty like everyone else. I suggest in any dealings you have with them in the future to be extra extra sweet and corteous as not to give them...
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    Succesful INLAND Spouse/Residence Application TIMELINE - Case story.

    Re: Husband in Canada as visitor with PR application IN already Thanks for this info. I still don't see where the notion of Open Work Permit is put forth in a clear and obvious manner at all. Thank goodness for this site and you guys who are so forth coming of the information and say things...
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    Assembling evidence

    I think they don't want anything heavy, that adds poundage to an already heavy application and but if you only have something to just keep everything and organized together, it shouldn't be a problem.
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    IMM 5490 concern

    That shouldnt be a problem. Make your application quite strong and that should not be a problem. Do write down that friends name though and have her information handy, but I doubt that will be an issue:) Good luck PS I have the same situation.
  12. A

    Hello PMM (In-Canada Sponsorship)

    Hey you. I am not PMM, however If I was you, darn right I would notify them, by a clear letter sent to the centre you sent the application to with my ID number. It wont hurt and I will only show you and your partner are still together and still waiting for the PR. With CIC err on the side of...
  13. A

    Assembling evidence

    Spiraling a book (made with your proof) with a table of contents works really nice. Make it nice and catchy. Something pleasant and organized. It has worked for me twice already.
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    How long until my foreign wife can work?

    The above advice is RIGHT ON. I can only add that you really need to have a contingency plan, because it will be really hard to get a employer to sponsor her and the PR stuff takes a while in the BEST of cases. Realistically she wont be able to work legally for a while. I should know. my husband...
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    HE GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Felicidades! and tell the husband to eat some really good and fresh CEVICHE in Lima, cuz he wont see it here. LOL
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    Succesful INLAND Spouse/Residence Application TIMELINE - Case story.

    Re: Husband in Canada as visitor with PR application IN already Thank you so much for the guidance, PMM. I will send the application in the next days. ... and wait our turn:) Good day.
  17. A

    Do I need to renewmy PR ?

    Oh I see. So the extension or renewal of the PR CARD is only about the card, about being proof of the Resdiency, NOT THE PERMANENT RESIDENCY itself that we are trying to Extend. Thanks for clarifying that. The alternative was scary!
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    PR Visa from Lima Peru office

    Felicitaciones! That was one LONG wait, my dear. Enjoy your husband now:)
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    Succesful INLAND Spouse/Residence Application TIMELINE - Case story.

    Re: Husband in Canada as visitor with PR application IN already Well thank goodness for the "implied" status! Thank you again PMM. One thing I have been seen pop up in this forum is the OPEN WORK PERMIT. Funny thing it is very well hidden in the CIC web page. As if they dont want us to know...
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    Succesful INLAND Spouse/Residence Application TIMELINE - Case story.

    Re: Husband in Canada as visitor with PR application IN already Thank you PMM for your answer and for all you do to help strangers! ADD: So you are saying they take 5 months to even get a reply. So it means that we have to trust that their system, that they are actually doing something about...