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  1. theclaimer

    Work Permit extension for protected person

    You select the most present date. Upload the copy of your passport that was given to you the day they seized your passport (there is an immigration seal and the officer's sign)
  2. theclaimer

    My asylum timeline so far

    @Moavia Don't worry. You'll get it. I know someone who submitted BOC in Nov 2023 and received the letter to submit his passport at the beginning of May. I know it's frustrating but It's all about time and patience.
  3. theclaimer

    Work Permit extension for protected person

    Also, you can check the status of your SIN in this link; create an account: https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/services/my-account.html
  4. theclaimer

    Work Permit extension for protected person

    Hi, You need to renew your SIN too. You can renew online https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/services/sin/apply.html
  5. theclaimer

    Protected person Study permit

    Open a GC key account, you'll find the option "apply for study permit". https://clegc-gckey.gc.ca/j/eng/l?ReqID=s26f7453aa50b66bed6bcc4974f31a47512889874e
  6. theclaimer

    Canada child Benefit for protected person

    I don't know about OW. I was in Quebec during my case processing time.
  7. theclaimer

    Canada child Benefit for protected person

    You'll receive CBC from the date of the decision. They'll calculate and pay.
  8. theclaimer

    Refugee Hearing scheduled in May 2024

    Not really.. It took around 90 mins. Depends on case to case.
  9. theclaimer

    Refugee Hearing scheduled in May 2024

    I had my hearing in Oct 2023 and received a positive NOD after 6 days.
  10. theclaimer

    Refugee Hearing scheduled in May 2024

    This is normal. My case was considered less complex but later had a regular hearing.
  11. theclaimer

    RTD application link

  12. theclaimer

    Work Permit extension for protected person

    AOR? Biometrics?
  13. theclaimer

    Work Permit extension for protected person

    This notification is for the confirmation and the extension letter. They update after they issue a notification. It's normal. The same happened with me.
  14. theclaimer

    Work Permit extension for protected person

    I got it for 2 years. But here someone said he/she got it for 1 year. Most of the time I found 2 years. Hope you'll get it for 2 yrs.
  15. theclaimer

    got accepted claim on oct 2023

    Same.. no update
  16. theclaimer


    Good luck! Its all about time. :)
  17. theclaimer


    Did you submit your passport? Or did you receive brown paper?
  18. theclaimer

    PR application as protected person

    I can not give any opinion, sorry. It is up to you to decide.
  19. theclaimer

    PR application as protected person

    Yes, every single information you need to provide. Open an account in the portal and follow the steps. https://prson-srpel.apps.cic.gc.ca/en/login Check these videos. This link is from the PR portal : Tutorials for completing applications https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCB449B73627BFE22
  20. theclaimer

    PR application as protected person

    These are the steps: Open an account in the portal and follow the steps. https://prson-srpel.apps.cic.gc.ca/en/login Pay your fees here: https://eservices.cic.gc.ca/epay/order.do?category=12 Gather all the documents you need and follow the application instructions...