Am I the only one sitting here shaking my head in utter disbelief? Nope I do have another sane person also doing it, I appreciate that an answer here goes a long way in terms of reassurance and giving you peace of mind until the next question comes up regarding this long and arduous path called 'Canadian Citizenship,' but in all honesty and I mean zero disrespect....but if a person of a legal stature (who is currently assisting and helping individuals) needs to ask such a question...all be it on behalf of someone, then I do wonder how on earth they function on a daily basis.
My response will be seen as having a pop and I promise I'm not but where on earth (as pointed out above) does that common sense really vanish to? I dunno perhaps it's my British upbringing that's looking at this from another angle but my exact first thoughts were....Bloody this for real?!
Anyway in closing again, zero disrespect and I wish everyone luck in their quest for the holy grail aka Canadian Citizenship....hoping everyone a speedy and successful conclusion to their myself who is still in the process.