I re-assessed your file with our team and immigration. I’m taking your case to the Minister of Immigration and Shadow Minister’s offices to ask for their comment. When I spoke with my immigration liaison recently about your file, I was told they are not prioritizing caregiver applications and your file has essentially been put on hold. All the arguments you’ve made to me previously are very valid, sincere and need to be answered to. It’s just that now, it’s a legislative issue and therefore the Minister has to respond. I know you sent complaints previously to the Minister and received a response, regardless, I’m sending it along.
I’ll ask that they respond to you with a cc’ to our office but if I see something that isn’t sent you, I’ll of course forward it. Minister’s offices are slow with their responses, but I’ll follow up with them to ensure we get some comment. Please note, this doesn’t often change the outcome of an application right away, we’re forwarding your case for legislative changes and this often takes time.
I’m so sorry that I received that news recently from my immigration contact. If you have questions, please let me know.
----this is MPs office response. Employers, I suggest you contact your MPs and voice out your concerns with regards to this program